Bingo's WIN A BOOK CONTEST, the first in the history of BOOKIN' WITH BINGO is now officially closed. Thank you to all who entered to win the autographed copy of CREEPERS by Joanne Dahme. There were lots of entries and so the official number generator will begin the work of finding the winner. Winner will be posted here by noon, Saturday, January 24, and will be contacted by email.
IF you don't win this one, don't give up as the new Hachette sponsored contest to win James Patterson's SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S has started and you can try for that one! Good luck and thanks for entering!
ATTENTION AND Ta Da! A winner has been confirmed. Using, the winner is FUGIT who will receive his prize this week! Thank you to all who entered and please take another chance and enter my new contest for James Patterson's SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S! That contest is open until Feb. 1 and there is a chance for two entries! I appreciate all of you who participated and helped to make my first contest giveaway such a huge success! Have a great and LUCKY weekend to all! Bingo
Thank you so much for doing these contests! I am very excited to have been selected as the winner to receive the free copy of CREEPERS. I will be sure to let you know what I thought of it after I finish.
Congrats to Fugit
Congrats Fugit! I bet this is going to be a great read!!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com
Congrats Fugit
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