Saturday, February 21, 2009



Recently, Tiffany Baker, new author, new star, kindly answered a few questions for an interview for my blog. THE LITTLE GIANT OF ABERDEEN COUNTY is Ms. Baker's first novel and a best seller! Please enjoy the personal information she shared with me that follows:

1. What project or book are you currently working on?

"Currently working on A novel about three women on a salt farm, two of them sisters, and they all have a history with the same man."

2. What have you just finished reading?

"THE BESTIARY by Nicholas Christopher. It's a charming, a fanciful novel, and will make you want to research bestiaries."

3. What books would you say have made the biggest impression on you, especially starting out?

"I'm an old-fashioned girl. I think I'm a real product of nineteenth century narrative. I love the quirky characters you find in Dickens and the creepy settings of Hawthorne. I love the moral dilemmas of Russian novels. And I've always been a big reader of John Irving, who I think also comes out of this same school."

4. What gets you started on a new book? A character or story idea or ....? "I start with setting and character. I love odd or "broken" characters, people who have some clear flaw they have to live with, and I often find that the setting will determine the predominant imagery for the book."

5. What is something about you that you would want people to know about you that we probably don't know? "I'm the biggest chicken in the world. Everything initially scares me or make me nervous, but I just pull up my socks and try to muddle through as best I can.''

6. What is your best advice to anyone, including young people, who want to be writers? "In our culture of insta-fame, publication is not something that happens overnight. Writing a book is a journey and a commitment. You may have to write more than one before you can even get an agent. You have to REALLY like writing."

7. What is something you would like to share with us about writing THE LITTLE GIANT OF ABERDEEN COUNTY? "It's my answer to the question of why we die the way we do. In the book Truly confronts death but she also finds out that life can be a feast. I hope that's the message that sticks with the readers."


g.g. said...

Nice interview, Bingo! Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Great interview, Bingo. Tiffany Baker's book that she is working on sounds really interesting- about three women working and living on a salt farm. I like a good story especially when it's about something very different like that :D

Ladytink_534 said...

She's right! I had to go look up what a bestiary was! That does sound like a neat book :)

Love the Q&A, especially #7!

Cheryl said...

Great interview. I read this book and enjoyed it a lot. I can't wait to read the next novel.

Bingo said...

Thank you but Tiffany Baker did all the work. I totally agree with being anxious for her new novel to come out! Glad you all enjoyed it!

cindysloveofbooks said...

Bingo that was a nice interview with Tiffany. Congrats. Her next book sounds really good. Can't wait to read it.

avisannschild said...

Interesting interview! I'm not surprised to hear that Tiffany likes old-fashioned novels; I think their influence can be felt in her novel (in a good way!). I'm so looking forward to her next book!