I won a contest that was on BOOK CLUB GIRL'S BLOG!!
Book Club Girl's contest was promoting the PBS showing on March 15th of DAVID COPPERFIELD that starred a young, ten-year-old, Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) in his first role and Sir Ian McKellen. So I won a copy of the PBS DVD of DAVID COPPERFIELD and the book, DAVID COPPERFIELD by Charles Dickens from Penguin Classics.I LOVE Charles Dickens!!!!
BOOK CLUB GIRL (Jennifer) emailed me that I had won and I was thrilled. I think I was also thrilled that my little BOOKIN' WITH BINGO was mentioned on her blog when she announced the winner. When I first began writing reviews and then looking at blogs (before I even knew really what I was looking at) I read hers. So, BOOK CLUB GIRL is the kind of blog I can only dream of having someday. So thank you to BOOK CLUB GIRL and all concerned for the great gifts. If you want to see her post about my win (meaning you have nothing better to do) you might click here!
SPECIAL SHARE THE GIVEAWAY GIVEAWAY: In that I have won all these awards, DVDs, and Books this week, I want to share my good fortune.
First, on Monday, do not forget that I have two Giveaways ending:
--Click GALWAY BAY here, by Noon, Monday
--Click J.R. LaGreca's Books, SUBURBAN WEIRD and AFTERNOON TEA here by 6:00 PM, Monday.
--I will be announcing all those winners Monday night at about 10:00 PM, EST.
SO! I want to give away a special gift (a grab bag of books from Bingo's Book Bin which will include my copies of SUBURBAN WEIRD and AFTERNOON TEA, gently read, and TWO MYSTERY SURPRISE titles NOT READ, NEW, as well, for a total of 4 books!) to the person who helps my "FOLLOW ME" post on the right hit the 100 member mark!
Only those who follow on my blog, in the list to the right, will be eligible (even though some of you may follow one of the other ways, for this, it will be who puts me on or over the top on the right).
When that happens, I will put ALL THE FOLLOWERS' NAMES FROM THE RIGHT FOLLOWERS' GROUP into the "Special Giveaway Giveaway" number generator and choose a winner. Why you could be my first follower over there, or the last to sign up, or someone in between!
You don't have to do anything to enter here, just sign up as a follower on the right if you haven't yet. So, that's enjoy some of the DAVID COPPERFIELD DVD I won by listening to Daniel Radcliffe talk about the experience making the movie.
Here is the You Tube clip that was on BOOK CLUB GIRL'S post.
Wow - what a great idea. I am very lucky to be one of your followers. I just wanted to say thanks and that I enjoy your blog.
Congratulations on your win! I love winning books.
I signed up as a follower on the right (I think, it put it at the top, which is weird, but whatever!) and I follow on Google.
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I believe if you click Follow and haven't signed up, it will ask you to. If you are a blogger with a gmail acct which is free, then you sign in. I WAS signed in and removed myself so I wouldn't count toward the 100 which is why we went from 88 to 87...gee I need to see how to get Google followers transferred as THERE MUST BE A WAY!I will check it out for you!
Bingo ~ You're getting closer! I'm already a follower, of course. Good luck! =) & free books? Why, how wonderful! =D
I am a dedicated follower to your site. I also tweeted about what you are trying to accomplish, here:
I'm already a follower.
Congratulations on all your recent awards! Great idea for a contest. I sure hope you meet your quota so someone wins the books.
I love this idea; I may have to borrow it! I'm glad to be a follower. Here's hoping you make it to 100! I'm going to tweet about it!
You are such good blog buddies! Tweeting about my challenge! Who knows? Maybe we will make it?! Could be?! Anyway, thanks for everyone rallying around the old Bingo!
Congrats on the win! How cool that you like Dickens. You might want to ignore my upcoming review (in a couple of weeks) of A Tale of Two Cities - I'm not a big Dickens fan. :) Or hey, read it for entertainment value.
Alyce, Let me clarify "I love Charles Dickens". I love to TEACH about his works as there is so much in there to work with. I love SOME of his books but not all. I look forward to your review and will comment on IF that is one I liked or not after I read your review...oooh, the suspense :D
I really need to watch that movie. Daniel Radcliffe (he's gotten so handsome lately) is a great actor but I adore Ian McKellan!
Sounds like a wonderful contest (I've been a follower for awhile now), so hope you get your 100 followers!
you are almost to 100 and what a nice giveaway
Yes this is a very exciting day and I wish I didn't have to go to work even tho it is a half day today!
It is 4pm, EST, and we are at 94 on Monday, March you think we can make it by tomorrow at midnight? I just posted a new giveaway and that may help! Aren't you all as excited as I am??? eek!
Congrats on your big win. I have been a follower for a while.. good luck!!!
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