Reporter Annabelle Armstrong will go to any lengths to deliver a story, even track down Quinton Valtrez, a man she believes is a cold hearted assassin. Yet the truth about the darkly sensual Quinton is even more shocking...and the overwhelming desire he ignites is one she vows to resist.
Quinton has fought his demonic powers since he was a child. Now using his gifts for the good of national security, he can't let himself be distracted by the beautiful, determined Annabelle. But his need for her is sudden, fierce--and could soon cost Annabelle her life. For a wicked enemy is out for vengeance, a demon who wants to draw Quinton into a life of pure evil and is willing to use Annabelle as bait. To save her, Quinton must achieve the near impossible: tame the sinister force that is both his inheritance and his curse before it claims him forever.

Rita Herron is an award-winning author of more than 30 romantic suspense novels for Harlequin and Dorchester. In 2007 alone, she was nominated for two Romantic Times Reviewers Choice Awards, including a Career Achievement Award.
Having cut her teeth on mystery books like Nancy Drew, romance novels (Beverly Barton), and TV shows like The Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock, and The Outer Limits, it felt natural for Rita to blend romance, suspense and the paranormal.
Dark Hunger is the 2nd book in her Demonborn series and is an exciting, paranormal romantic suspense thriller! Look for alpha heroes to die for...
www.ritaherron.com, www.thedemonborn.com, facebook, myspace.comritaherron, twitter.com/ritaherron
- Hi, Rita! Can you tell my readers what your are currently working on? I know once they read DARK HUNGER, they will want more from you.
I’ve just finished book 3 in the Demonborn series and the final book in the Demonborn trilogy, FORBIDDEN PASSION. It comes out April 2010.
2. What have you just finished reading?
The sixth book in the Body Movers series by Stephanie Bond. And I’m currently reading The Accidental Bestseller by Wendy Wax. Both excellent authors and great storytelling!
3. What books would you say have made the biggest impression on you, especially starting out?
Mary Higgins Clark’s books really piqued my interest in mysteries as an adult. But the one book that truly spoke to me and made me want to write romantic suspense was Cry Wolf by Tami Hoag. I loved the story, the sexy romance, the steamy New Orleans setting, and the page-turning suspense.
Other favorite romantic suspense authors who have inspired me: Allison Brennan, Lisa Gardener, Beverly Barton, Lisa Jackson, and Debra Webb.
4. What gets you started on a new book? A character or story idea or….?
Hmm...Normally I’m a plotter and the story idea, hook, the seed of a big premise, comes to me first. For example, in the first book in the Demonborn series, Insatiable Desire, I had the idea of writing about a demonic serial killer who used a person’s greatest fear as his killing MO.
For book two, DARK HUNGER, I wanted to write about a serial bomber who was actually an innocent but whose mind was being controlled by a demon – the demon used mind control to force him to kill. Originally I envisioned the bombings occurring on the same night at the same time, but in revisions, my editor suggested it might be more suspenseful to draw those crimes out and add in the ticking clock where the hero and heroine are racing against time to stop them.
Almost in tandem, this series also evolved because I had the idea of creating alpha heroes who were crime fighters, but also evil themselves. Of course, I had to figure out a way to redeem them and wanted that evil side of them to be part of their conflict, so decided to have heroes who were descendants of Satan and an Angel of Light – they are half evil, half good. But the temptation for evil runs strongly in their blood, and draws them to the dark side.
What can save them? Of course, the only answer is the power of love and a good strong woman!
5. What is something about you that you would want people to know about you that we probably don’t know?
I have an identical twin sister who always peps me up when I’m in a funk- she’s also a counselor. Every writer needs one! LOL
But seriously, books were my escape as a child in a not-so-happy home. They not only provided entertainment and information but led me into a world where I could fantasize about exotic places, love, heroes, and happy endings. I hope I do that for readers now.
6. What is your best advice to anyone, including young people, who want to be writers?
Read, read, read...Study the books, genre that you love and want to write in.
Also, never give up. Early on, another author told me that it wasn’t the most talented who were successful but the ones with the most perseverance. That’s so true.
And my southern mother had a saying, “Can’t never did anything.” So don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. If you want it bad enough, you can make it happen.
6. What is something you would like to share with us about writing your favorite genre in general?
Writing for me is like reading a good book. When I really get into the story, I’m seeing and hearing the characters’ voices, living their story, feeling their pain and frustration, and wanting them to overcome their problems and be together so badly that I can’t sleep until I finish it!
I am thrilled to thank Anna and the
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I like the comment "Can't Never Did Anything".
Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds inspired her as she was writing Dark Hunger.
Count me in! Love to read this one!!
+1 Love that Rita has a twin sister. :) Pretty neat that their two different people but both (one being a writer, one being a counselor) are in professions that their emotions kind of come out or are influenced in their line of work. Well I don't know if I said that right, but you know what I mean! :)
+1 Happily follow your blog through my RSS reader
rachie2004 @ yahoo (dot) com
+1 LOVE Rita's Advice...Never say you can't do something. It just reinforces it!! :)
+1 I follow the blog!!
lyoness2009 AT hot mail *dot* cOm
I've always loved to read and believe that it helps with my attempts at writing. I haven't tried to publish anything yet, but I've written a couple of romances.
I follow you on Blogger.
I've visited New Orleans a few times and love the city. I enjoy reading books that are centered in that area.
follow in blogger
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I found it interesting that the author has an identical twin sister.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower of your blog.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
How fun that she has an identical twin sister!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I like that Emily Nelson, the social worker in the book, is named after her daughter who’s a dedicated social worker in real life. I am sure she is thrilled to hear a character is named after her. I bloged about this on my contest blog and I am a follower!
please enter me in the giveaway
+1 something interesting-Rita has a twin sister
I follow by Google friend connect
Count me in.
I think it's just so interesting that she has an identical twin sister who keeps her pumped when she needs it, we all need someone like that!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I follow on google friend=)
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
My Fun fact~
This book is set in the following cities Savannah, Charleston, and New Orleans; Great southern cities!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
I see that you just finished reading the sixth book in the Body Movers series by Stephanie Bond, I'm actually getting started on this series.
Great interview!
My favorite part was the "Can't Never Did Anything" and the fact theat the author has a Southern mother. I did too!
I follow you on Twitter. My username is Soccermom213
I tweet often about your blog and great giveaways and will do so again and again!!
I loved learning about how she plans books. I just have a basic idea when writing, and let the story take me from there, and it seems she has something similar!
+ 1 I'm now following you on Blogger!
Oh no! I forgot my email for the earlier comments!
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com
hope that works out alright, so sorry! Dogs are so distracting!
I would love to win this one!
I'm a follower!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I really like how the author really gets into writing her books. Good interview.
Great interview! I see this is the second book in the Demonborn series--now I have to track down the first book. Both look to be excellent!
Thanks for the chance.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I follow you on Google Friend Connect!(Ally/rubymoon)
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
One of the fun facts was the location settings for the story and I for one think any paranormal romance set in New Orleans is a definite winner. New Orleans and other-worldness seem to just mesh.
rubymoonstone at gmail dot com
I never knew that she had a twin sister. This book sounds great. Thanks for entering me.
+1 That she reads Stephanie Bond and Wendy Wax. I love finding out what kind of books authors read.
+1 I follow with Google Reader
+1 Fun fact: "The B & B with the outdoor garden where Annabelle stays in Savannah is fashioned after a B & B where Rita and her husband stayed."
marieimy (at) gmail (dot) com
Ms. Heron advises would-br writers to read...read...read. She tells them to study and learn about different genres.
In the fun facts I found out that Rita heron was inspired by Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
It was normal for her to blend her writing since she was a follower of Nancy drew books, the twilight zone, and Alfred Hitchcock. Her social worker Emily is named after her daughter who is also a social worker.
Very interesting information, please enter me.
i am following you through google reader tonyah
tonyaharmati at gmail dot com
+1 i also love rita has a twin sister!
tonyaharmati at gmail dot come
Here is the link where I tweeted a link!\
That Rita has an identical twin sister.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
I follow via Google Reader
Emily Nelson, the social worker in the book, is named after Rita's daughter who’s a dedicated social worker in real life.
Most authors are great readers, and I was interested in Rita's favorite authors. Also, she has a twin sister who is a counselor. gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I love that "Shayla Larue is modeled after a voodoo priestess I met at the RWA conference in New Orleans" ... that really show us that writers do take things from everyday real life. =D
What i found interesting from the interview is that the reason she came to write romantic suspense is because of the book cry wolf, which is a favorite of mine. Not only that but that books were her escape from an unhappy home... which indirectly implies that her twin sister as a result of this wanted to help people and that's why she became a counselor..?
1.) Reading was my escape in a very very unhappy home as a child filled with a disabled sister and an alcoholic father. I relate.
2.)I am a Follower now. ;)
3.)Tweeted: here!
4.)I love the deep south and want to go back there some day. The setting is perfect.
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