I am a novelist with 32 dogs.
I have gotten to this dubious position with absolutely no planning, and at no stage in my life could I have predicted it. But here I am.
My childhood was relentlessly normal. The middle of three brothers, loving parents, a middle-class home in Paterson, New Jersey. We played sports, studied sporadically. laughed around the dinner table, and generally had a good time. By comparison, "Ozzie and Harriet's" clan seemed bizarre.
I graduated NYU, then decided to go into the movie business. I was stunningly brilliant at a job interview with my uncle, who was President of United Artists, and was immediately hired. It set me off on a climb up the executive ladder, culminating in my becoming President of Marketing for Tri-Star Pictures. The movie landscape is filled with the movies I buried; for every "Rambo", "The Natural" and "Rocky", there are countless disasters.
I did manage to find the time to marry and have two children, both of whom are doing very well, and fortunately neither have inherited my eccentricities.
A number of years ago, I left the movie marketing business, to the sustained applause of hundreds of disgruntled producers and directors. I decided to try my hand at writing. I wrote and sold a bunch of feature films, none of which ever came close to being actually filmed, and then a bunch of TV movies, some of which actually made it to the small screen. It's safe to say that their impact on the American cultural scene has been minimal.
About five years ago, my wife and I started the Tara Foundation, named in honor of the greatest Golden Retriever the world has ever known. We rescued almost 4,000 dogs, many of them Goldens, and found them loving homes. Our own home quickly became a sanctuary for those dogs that we rescued that were too old or sickly to be wanted by others. Right now they number 32, and they surround me as I write this. It's total lunacy, but it works, and they are a happy, safe group.
DAVID ROSENFELT was the former marketing president for Tri-Star Pictures before becoming a writer of novels and screenplays. OPEN AND SHUT is his first novel.
David Rosenfelt Interviews His Character, Andy Carpenter
David Rosenfelt: I'm talking with defense attorney Andy Carpenter, main character in seven of my novels. Andy, can you tell me a little about your new book, New Tricks?
Andy Carpenter: I should tell you about it? You wrote it.
DR: I realize that, but I'd like our readers to be familiar with it.
AC: So tell them to buy it.
DR: You seem a little out of sorts. Is something bothering you?
AC: I agreed that you can write about my cases, but I didn't say anything about doing publicity. This interviewing stuff is not in my contract. Besides, I'm a lawyer; I like to ask questions, not answer them.
DR: Would you rather be asking me the questions?
AC: Anything would be better than this. You ready?
DR: Sure.
AC: OK. Since you created me, why did you have to make me so short?
DR: I've never actually said how tall you are, but I always thought about five foot ten.
AC: Can I dunk a basketball?
DR: Not even if you stood on a chair.
AC: So you made me short, a physical coward, unsure around women, argumentative, and generally lazy. And you wonder why I don't want to sit here and chat with you?
DR: I also made you smart and funny, and I gave you Tara, the greatest dog in the history of the world.
AC: That's the one thing we agree on. How about letting me get Tara some friends?
DR: She has Waggy, the Bernese Mountain Dog in New Tricks.
AC: I knew you'd work that in. I'm talking about getting a whole bunch of dogs.
DR: How many?
AC: How many do you have? In real life...
DR: Twenty seven, mostly golden retrievers. We rescue them.
AC: Twenty seven? You're a total nutcase, and I've gotta tell you, I'm not sure I'm comfortable having a nutcase for a creator.
DR: Keep complaining and I'll shrink you to five foot six.
AC: You could do that?
DR: Piece of cake.For those lucky readers familiar with Andy Carpenter, the creation of David Rosenfelt, this is another fun read. However, if you are like me, perhaps a little background would help. Wealthy attorney, Andy Carpenter, like to work on interesting cases, especially if he can win them. So when moneyed scientist, Walter Timmerman, is murdered, the case, in a way, comes to Andy. Judge Henry Henderson decides that Andy should be the attorney to take custody of Timmerman's mountain dog puppy, Waggy, who has suddenly become the center of attention in a custody battle between Timmerman's second wife, Diane, and her stepson, Steven Timmerman.
Andy gets help from his best friend, golden retriever Tara, and his girlfriend, police officer Laurie Collins. When Andy goes to pick up the dog at the widow Timmerman's house, he does so only to have an explosion follow and Diane Timmerman is killed. Now the suspect becomes Steven and yet why would all these people be fighting over the dog?
Andy tries to figure out the case and with many twists and turns and even his own people being put in possible danger, realizes that it isn't a person who is in danger, but rather the canine Waggy. What could make this dog so important and valuable that people would kill for him? Rosenfelt, with his typical dash of humor and mayhem, drives readers a bit crazy trying to figure things out and the ending is one that is pure surprise.
This is my first time reading David Rosenfelt and his Andy Carpenter series, but I was pleasantly surprised. It was a fast read, kept my interest, and although there was a mystery to solve, it still was done with much humor and that made it especially enjoyable for me.
Thanks to Miriam and the great folks at
Hachette Book Group, I have 5 copies of this
dog-gone good legal thriller for you to try for!

**U.S. and Canadian Residents Only
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**Each entry MUST be individual or it no matter
what all you put in it, it counts as one!
That is a lot of dogs! My oldest son would be in heaven. He is a dog lover. My middle son, not so much, very scared.
We do not have a dog any longer. We did when my oldest son was born, which was 10 years ago. Buddy was the dog, he was a maltese. He got hit by a car, he ran out when the door openend. It was SO SAD! Man, I need to try to end on a more positive note...
I do love the sound of your book. Thanks for the chance to win it!
Amy M
atc218 at aol dot com
I'd LOVE to be included!
+1 I can't believe he has 32 dogs!!
+1 I have two tea cup yorkies and they are adorable! Samson and Delilah! They're always together!
xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)
IAmHiMaintenance at aol dot com
How interesting to read that the author owns 32 dogs! I love dogs to pieces, too, but only have room for my one little dog.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I have a little Cockapoo dog and his name is Astro. I love him!!!
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I've got this book, so there's no need to enter me. I haven't read any of Rosenfelt's work, so I'm glad to see it's fun.
Thanks for this lovely giveaway. Impressive interview and wonderful to hear that he has 32 dogs. I was fascinated to learn about this author. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I have two adorable dogs. A Maltese named Guido and a dog we rescued, a small mix who is a sweetheart named Bogie. Both tolerate each other. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I want this book so badly!!!!
+1 I have read every book in the Andy and Tara series. I've also read David Rosenfelt's other book that came out last year. I'm glad he's spending more time on books than movies!!
+1 I don't have a dog! :(
Bingo, thank you so much for your wonderful comment over at the Pudgy Penguins! Would you believe I used to dye that red hair blonde? Silly me!
Good luck with the giveaway!
L. Diane Wolfe “Spunk On A Stick”
I thought it was really funny that "Andy" was concerned about being short! I love any book that has dogs in it.
I have two Chihuahua's, one short hair that is 7 named Dottie, and one crazy 5 month old appropriately named Tazmon Dickens better known as Taz. He is a long haired Chi.
32 dogs!!! It's no wonder he needs to write and sell books just to buy food for all of them! Please enter me - I love doggy books!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I don't have a dog at the moment. But if I did, I would have two, and we have already picked out names: Deuty and Tritty, short for Deuterium and Tritium, the isotopes of hydrogen.
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
Wow he and his wife have rescued over 4000 dogs - amazing
msboatgal at aol.com
Kristy & Maverick are my 2 English springer spaniels - both totally spoiled rotten
msboatgal at aol.com
Please enter me!
Can you imagine 32 dogs!! We had one and I had a hard time keeping up with him. Unfortunately he has gone on to the other side. He was 18 years old and we miss him terribly!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
This was such a funny post! He's hilarious! Does he write this way too? It makes me want to go out and find his books.
I really liked this comment
"So you made me short, a physical coward, unsure around women, argumentative, and generally lazy. And you wonder why I don't want to sit here and chat with you?"
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
i used to have an English bulldog named Mayflower. My parents bought her when I was in kindergarten and she was my closest friend when we moved overseas.
gaby317nyc at gmail dot com
I haven't had a dog in a long time - although i used to help my uncle care for his Chow named Chaney (after the werewolf Lon Chaney not Dick Chaney)
It is always good to have a person like gaby entering when it is 1 AM as she makes me laugh as I moderate comments to post...HA, Chaney! I loved that one and I am not so sure about it being after Lon!
+1 Wow 32 Dogs!!! That is unbelieveable
+1 No I don't own a dog but I would like to in the future
I just hope with 32 dogs that he has a furminator to help with all that dog hair! :-)
As a dog person, I know I will love this book.
I have 2 chocolate labs, named Sara and Tessa. Sara is a sweet rescue that I adopted. She now does therapy dog work and enjoys spending the day cuddling on the couch. Tessa plays agility and could fetch all day long!
He really has 32 dogs! Looks like a good dog/legal thriller! Please count me in!
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
We do have a dog, a sweet beagle named Bailey. (and yes, we found out after we named her that's a very popular dog/beagle name!)
JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com
great interview !!
i really enjoyed it
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
Join us for Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons and Deals at http://coolcanucks.ca/
i have one dog and her name is paris..she's 3 almost 4 years old ..love her all to pieces
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
Join us for Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons and Deals at http://coolcanucks.ca/
I love that the character complains about being too short!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I loved the interview. #2 dogs..I hope he sells alot of book!! LOL
dogless at the moment...:(
Wow, the author has 32 dogs! Nice bio! It's nice to learn things about the author!
I have one dog. He is a Mini Schnauzer named Lucky. We saved him from a busy road a year ago. He didn't have a collar on and no one claimed him from animal control so we did! We are lucky to have him! :) Animals who are saved are the best pets ever!!
Open and Shut is his first novel.
I don't have any dogs. Since my kids grew up and our family dog passed I haven't gotten another one.
Yeah - a short character. Hee-hee!
And wow - 32 dogs. Gotta love him.
Thanks for the giveaway.
I've got a pug named George (of the Pugtastic George Award), and a Carolina dog, by the name of Gracie.
They are a huge part of my life, and couldn't imagine not having them!
I hope I'm doing this right...
Dog Day #2 For Glory
That was one of the funniest 'interviews' I've read but also so very true about the power an author wields over his characters.
winterset AT peoplepc.com
We haven't had a dog for several years but our last one was a Doberman named Satan. Thank goodness he didn't live up to his name.
winterset AT peoplepc.com
I read (& greatly enjoyed) David Rosenfelt's first book Play Dead. I'd love to win this sequel.
tatamagouche AT netbundle DOT ca
I have a yellow Labrador retriever named Wes & a red mixed breed (boxer, bull terrier & German shepherd) named Farlow.
I used to have a Golden retriever (Django), another yellow Lab (Chet) & a German Shepherd called Lenny.
The author must really like dogs. I like dogs too, but 32 of them would be too many for me!
We had a little terrior named Tippy. He lived to be about 15 years old but is gone now. We don't have a dog now but I would like to get one.
14 years ago, David Rosenfelt and his wife started the Tara Foundation, named in honor of the greatest Golden Retriever the world has ever known. They rescued almost 4,000 dogs, many of them Goldens, and found them loving homes.
Had the sweetest doberman but when she passed away, couldn't bring myself to get another dog.
I love the fact that the author of this book has a dog rescue and currently has 32 dogs! What a great thing. Nothing better than a rescue dog. I know, I currently have 2, who will be mentioned in my next entry. Thank you.
ludeluh at yahoo dot com
I currently have 2 rescue dogs. One is Hank, a retriever/setter mix adopted from the Humane Society shelter near us, and the other is Bingo (yep Bingo), who is a terrier mix, adopted from a lady who runs a rescue group like the author. Bingo was dumped as a stray in Texas and fostered by the rescue until being adopted by us.
ludeluh at yahoo dot com
I like that the book combines law-type stuff with dogs;-)
I used to have a shih tzu named Biskit but he passed away
Anyone who recuses dogs is okay in my book. I have to rescue dogs myself but 32 - wow. Please include me in your giveaway.
I have four dogs - two rescues and two that I have gotten. They are all four Chihuahuas - three boys one girl, all fixed very important. There names are Malcomb, Daisy, Eugene and Peanut. Please include me in your giveaway.
I am impressed that he has 27 dogs.
Thanks for the giveaway
I have 2 dogs -- both labrador retreivers (a chocolate and a black one)
David Rosenfelt is an amazingly accomplished man! I love the fact that he and his wife have rescued and saved over 4,000 dogs many of them golden retrievers and started The Tara Foundation in honor of one of these beautiful dogs.
Thank you for highlighting this book and hosting a giveaway of it!
I don't have a dog right now because it's too difficult for me to care for one. But when I was growing up, my family had several dogs. One was a beautiful Golden Retriever named Sasha. She was the sweetest, gentlest animal I have ever known. I had several young cousins who were at my house all the time. The 2 and 3 year old ones used to throw themselves across Sasha's body and sleep and lie on her. She would just lie there and let them The 3 year-old loved to open Sasha's mouth and look at her teeth and touch her tongue. Still, she would just sit there looking at the adults as if to say, "How long must I put up with this?" but she never hurt my cousins, not once no matter what they did to her. I will forever have wonderful memories of sweet Sasha.
David's interview with Andy was hilarious! I'm sure that wonderful humor comes through in the book.
Thanks ~ megalon22{at}yahoo{dot}com
I, unfortunately, don't have a dog. We had 2 dogs at different times that were family pets when I was growing up - both mutts. They were named "Midnight" & "Sunshine".
Wonderful interview with the author and also he has a great bio! The book sounds wonderful! Please enter me!
My sons and I used to have a golden lab and her name was Chessibelle. She was a wonderful gentle dog but unfortunately she ran away 2 years ago and has not returned :-(. We also had a Wapoo, but due to my son's allergies of long haired animals we had to give Bingo away :-(. We are looking for the right dog now and hope to have it for years to come! :-)
That was so entertaining. I loved it and if that is any indication of this book I will love it.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
We have 6 dogs right now...a min pin, dachshund, a basset, a Basenji mix, Australian shepherd mixand a mastiff/boxer mix. They keep me very busy and broke.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
oh wow i can't beleive he has 32 dogs!!! crazy!! but they must have lots of fun playing with each other!!!
i have a pup named oliver and he's a westie!! he's a year old and loves to play!!!
thanks so much!!!
nicolemarielum @gmail.com
the fact that he rescues dogs gets a gold star in my book....I am glad people like him exist.
karin56381 (at) gmail.com
yes... I have a dog. His name is Woofie. He is half pomeranian and half poodle.
karin56381 (at) gmail.com
It's nice to see those participating in rescue dogs. I have 2 border collies and would have 30 more if I could!
I cannot believe he has SOOO many dogs!! Wow! 32!! Somedays having only 1 dog seems like too many (like when she barks too much or wants to be let in and out over and over ALL day long!)
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I have a Miniature Schnauzer named Abby. She is 1.5 years old. She is definitely a "mama's girl". I love her to pieces!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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