Monday, September 14, 2009


Edward M. Kennedy was the third longest-serving member of the United States Senate in American history. Voters of Massachusetts elected him to the Senate nine times—a record matched by only one other Senator. The scholar Thomas Mann said his time in the Senate was “an amazing and endurable presence. You want to go back to the 19th century to find parallels, but you won‘t find parallels.” President Obama has described his breathtaking span of accomplishment: “For five decades, virtually every major piece of legislation to advance the civil rights, health, and economic well being of the American people bore his name and resulted from his efforts.” He fought for and won so many great battles—on voting rights, education, immigration reform, the minimum wage, national service, the nation‘s first major legislation to combat AIDS, and equality for minorities, women, the disabled and gay Americans. He called health care “the cause of my life,” and succeeded in bringing quality and affordable health care for countless Americans, including children, seniors and Americans with disabilities. Until the end he was working tirelessly to achieve historic national health reform. He was an opponent of the Vietnam War and an early champion of the war‘s refugees. He was a powerful yet lonely voice from the beginning against the invasion of Iraq. He stood for human rights abroad—from Chile to the former Soviet Union — and was a leader in the cause of poverty relief for the poorest nations of Africa and the world. He believed in a strong national defense and he also unceasingly pursued and advanced the work of nuclear arms control.

He was the conscience of his party, and also the Senate‘s greatest master of forging compromise with the other party. Known as the “Lion of the Senate,” Senator Kennedy was widely respected on both sides of the aisle for his commitment to progress and his ability to legislate.

Senator Kennedy was Chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee. Previously he was Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and served on that committee for many years. He also served on the Senate Armed Services Committee and the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. He was a leader of the Congressional Friends of Ireland and helped lead the way toward peace on that island.

He was a graduate of Harvard University and the University of Virginia Law School. He lived in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, with his wife Vicki. He is survived by her and their five children Kara, Edward Jr., and Patrick Kennedy, and Curran and Caroline Raclin, and his sister Jean Kennedy Smith.

Statement for The Kennedy Family
August 26, 2009

“Edward M. Kennedy – the husband, father, grandfather, brother and uncle we loved so deeply – died late Tuesday night at home in Hyannis Port. We’ve lost the irreplaceable center of our family and joyous light in our lives, but the inspiration of his faith, optimism, and perseverance will live on in our hearts forever. We thank everyone who gave him care and support over this last year, and everyone who stood with him for so many years in his tireless march for progress toward justice, fairness and opportunity for all. He loved this country and devoted his life to serving it. He always believed that our best days were still ahead, but it’s hard to imagine any of them without him.”


From the TWELVE PUBLISHERS: "We are deeply saddened by the recent news. In the final years of his life, we had the honor of working with Senator Kennedy on his autobiography, True Compass. He worked valiantly to finish the book and make it the best it could be. As always, he was true to his word. The result is a great and inspiring legacy to readers everywhere, a case study in perseverance. We look forward to sharing it with the world."
True Compass will be published on September 14, 2009. A signed, leather-bound limited edition will be available by mid October; click here to pre-order. Only 1,000 will be sold to the public.


In this landmark autobiography, five years in the making, Senator Edward M. Kennedy tells his extraordinary personal story--of his legendary family, politics, and fifty years at the center of national events.


The youngest of nine children born to Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, he came of age among siblings from whom much was expected. As a young man, he played a key role in the presidential campaign of his brother John F. Kennedy, recounted here in loving detail. In 1962 he was elected to the U.S. Senate, where he began a fascinating political education and became a legislator.

In this historic memoir,Ted Kennedy takes us inside his family, re-creating life with his parents and brothers and explaining their profound impact on him. or the first time, he describes his heartbreak and years of struggle in the wake of their deaths. Through it all, he describes his work in the Senate on the major issues of our time--civil rights, Vietnam, Watergate, the quest for peace in Northern Ireland--and the cause of his life: improved health care for all Americans, a fight influenced by his own experiences in hospitals.

His life has been marked by tragedy and perseverance, a love of family, and an abiding faith. There have been controversies, too, and Kennedy addresses them with unprecedented candor. At midlife, embattled and uncertain if he would ever fall in love again, he met the woman who changed his life, Victoria Reggie Kennedy. Facing a tough reelection campaign against an aggressive challenger named Mitt Romney, Kennedy found a new voice and began one of the great third acts in American politics, sponsoring major legislation, standing up for liberal principles, and making the pivotal endorsement of Barack Obama for president.

Hundreds of books have been written about the Kennedys. TRUE COMPASS will endure as the definitive account from a member of America's most heralded family, an inspiring legacy to readers and to history, and a deeply moving story of a life like no other.


Thanks to Kelly and the Hachette Book Group
I am honored to have three copies of this
phenomenal book to give away.


--U. S. and Canadian Residents Only
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in your comment
--All comments MUST BE SEPARATE to count


+1 ENTRY: Comment on one thing about The Kennedy Family that you remember most in your lifetime

+1 MORE ENTRY: Blog or Tweet about this giveaway and come back here with a link I can follow

+1 MORE ENTRY: Enter another giveaway to come after this one on my blog and then come back and tell me which one it is

+1 MORE ENTRY: Read my review when it is posted in a few days and then come back here and comment about it--good or bad, I can take it

(Note date extended to 24th)



holdenj said...

One thing that sticks out in my mind was when John's plane crashed, with his wife and sister-in-law aboard. I remember thinking that even with that huge, extended family, how alone Caroline must feel.


Debbie said...

I have always been struck by the horrific tragedies that seem to plague this family and the grace with which they deal with them.

Anonymous said...

I remember Jacqueline Kennedy's beauty and how popular she was.

Beth (BBRB) said...

I remember when JRK Jr.'s plane crashed. It was so horrible.

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Dixie said...

Oddly enough, even though I was only 5 or 6 years old at the time, I remember the day President Kennedy was asassinated.
This memory stands out in my mind because my mother and my aunt held each other and cried as they watched Walter Cronkite deliver the news.
I can recall the footage of the funeral in the days afterward as well.

Ryan said...

Since I'm not old enough to remember President Kennedy I guess what I remember about the Kennedy family the most is how much I admired Teddy Kennedy. I have been in love with politcs since 5th grade and I always saw in Sen. Kennedy someone who knew what he believed in and fought for those beliefs with everything he had in him. He was a true patriot and he will be missed.

Ryan said...

Here is my tweet:

@Ryan_Groff Win True Compass by Edward M. Kennedy

Ryan said...

I added this to my sidebar on my blog

Margay Leah Justice said...

The thing I remember most about the Kennedy family - and there are so many things I can choose from being from Massachusetts myself and having them be such a part of my culture growing up and now - is their solidarity. Through so much tragedy and so much triumph, they have always been there for each other. And they are such wonderful servants to their country. (+1)

I tweeted it here: (+1)


Margay1122 (at) aol (dot) com

SFP said...

One of my earliest memories is of kissing JFK's image on TV. I remember the train carrying RFK's body after the assassination.

pagesturned (at) carolina (dot) rr (dot) com said...

What sticks out most in my mind was the day that John Kennedy was killed. His wife Jackie was such a classic beauty.

dancealert at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I remember when President Kennedy was shot. I was in elementary school. What a sad day for the world!


Linda Kish said...

I remember the tragic death of JFK and watching little John John salute the casket. It was so sad to watch. But I also remember the other main events and tragedies in their family.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Linda Kish said...

I entered Ripley's believe it or not giveaway

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

Michelle (Red Headed Book Child) said...

I remember the book report I wrote in highschool about the Kennedys. I made a huge collage of pictures of the whole bunch and I actually read the entire The Fitzgeralds and The Kennedys by Doris Kearns Goodwin.

michwerm (at) gmail (dot) com

The Brunette Librarian said...

Even though I was born in the eighties, I'm still touched by the hope displayed on people's faces when JFK was elected and the shock and horror when RFK was assasinated. So sad, but the family has been a great model for service here in the USA.

rachie2004 @ yahoo (d0t) COM

Lyoness2009 said...

I was always aware that throughout their tragedies, they had a strong family to fall back on. Boy did they do some crazy things, but they always had one another, which is strangely comforting.

lyoness2009 AT hot mail **dot** cOm

Virginia C said...

The Kennedy family has left the American people, as well as the entire world, an indelible and immeasurable gift of public service. gcwhiskas at aol dot com

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

There have been so many memorable moments, but I'll never forget the thrill of watching JFK's inauguration! And I always admired Jackie.

In later years, despite the scandals, etc., Teddy stood out as a familiar icon for so many things I believed in!

I'm at

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

I posted this giveaway in the sidebar of my RAINY DAYS AND MONDAYS blog at

Misusedinnocence said...

When JFK Jr's plane crashed. :( That was so sad. I remember they kept replaying the image of him saluting his Father's coffin. The poor Kennedy's. I would love to read this.

Misusedinnocence said...

I entered The Murder of King Tut.

jrs said...

I remember how sad it was the day JRK Jr's plane crashed.

jrs said...

I tweeted about the giveaway here:

jrs said...

I also entered the giveaway for CONFECTIONS OF A CLOSET MASTER BAKER

Heidi V said...

I'll remember Ted Kennedy for Cobra!

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Heidi V said...

Blogged about the giveaway @

heidivargas [at] live dot com

Glenn said...

The JFK assasination and also John's plane crash and the search for them, along with all the other tragedies the family has had to deal with. Thanks for the giveaway.

glenn_pessano AT yahoo DOT com

BurtonReview said...

My mom was in High School when JFK's asassination occurred but she told me all about it.
She was deeply affected by this & Bobby's as well. She had beautiful sketches that she drew of them, I wish I knew where they were today.
And now I live near Dallas where JFK was shot and I think about that as well.
Pls enter me, I am a follower
marieburton2004 at yahoo dot com

rubynreba said...

I remember when JFK was shot and how heartbroken everyone was.

Gaby317 said...

gaby317nyc at gmail dot com

I remember when JFK Jr died in the plane crash. This was the clearest memory for me. Although I wasn't able to catch JFK or Robert Kennedy in real life, the tv clips of them were very moving.

thanks for the entry

Gaby317 said...

Please count me in

gaby317nyc at gmail dot com

Gaby317 said...

I entered the Lace Weaver giveaway

gaby317nyc at gmail dot com

Gaby317 said...

Sorry, I meant the contest for The Lace Reader and also for Sand Sharks. Pls ignore my earlier comment.

gaby317nyc at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I entered the Hispanic Heritage Giveaway. That comes after this one.


dag888888 said...

I was shocked and remember that day in July, 1999 when JFK, Jr's plane crashed.


dag888888 said...

Also entered Hispanic Heritage book giveaway!


Anonymous said...

I remember john-john saluting his daddy during the funeral procession.

karen k

Anonymous said...

i entered the hispanic month giveaway drawing.

karen k

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

The one thing that sticks out the most to me, is Edward Kennedy's endless fight for the less fortunate. As a mother with a child with disabilities.. thank you!

The tragedies this family has endured will always stick out for me.

This is one of the few non fiction books I really, really want to read.

Thank you!

Rich Mom, Rich Dad. Poor Mom, Poor Dad. said...

Tweet tweet

DCMetroreader said...

I remember hearing about the JFK assasination from family members who were living at the time. Everyone remembers where they were then.


DCMetroreader said...

I entered Simon's Cat

DCMetroreader said...

Posted under current giveaways sidebar

Debb said...

The one thing I remember is .... the service that all of the Kennedy's have done for our country... as a family they have given of themselves and have lost so much while in the public eye, I wonder, if others would be able to do the same and contribute so much to this country...

mrsshukra said...

I guess because there have been many movies made showing this clip, I always remember JFK's assassination.


mrsshukra said...

I guess because there have been many movies made showing this clip, I always remember JFK's assassination.


mrsshukra said...

I guess because there have been many movies made showing this clip, I always remember JFK's assassination.


mrsshukra said...

Entered True Blue giveaway!


mrsshukra said...

Entered True Blue giveaway!


Jonnie (JB) said...

I remember when John Kennedy Jr. died in the plane crash.

Anonymous said...

The Kennedy's are famous and infamous in many ways; always in the public eye and often for their antics or misbehaviour or tragedies, but what I have always respected is how much this one family/dysnasty has given and sacrificed for their country, people and betterment of the human race. Regardless of the legends and myths, there has never been a single family in the USA that has given more of it's sweat and blood (literally); they were wealthy but always taught that it was a requirement they give back because of that. I respect them for that. With Teddy Kennedy's passing it is the end of an era... Please accept this as my entry, I'd love to win this book. Thank you!

Aliya D.

Martha Lawson said...

I was small when JFK was killed - but I remember well when Bobby was killed. This family has endured more tragedy. I think Sen Kennedy was a great man because he cared for the "common" man and tried to help the less fortunate. I would really like to read this book. Thanks for this great giveaway.

mlawson17 (at) hotmail dot com

corkrose said...

In Ireland there was always a picture of the Pope & a Kennedyy in all the older people's homes!

Simply Stacie said...

I remember when JFK Jr, his wife and her sister's plane crashed. What a tragedy.

simplystacieblog at gmail dot com

g.g. said...

So many things but probably working on the campaign for JFK as I was in college and it gave us such hope

Rue said...

I'm a youngster, so I don't actually "remember" a lot about the Kennedy family. But I have enjoyed visiting the 6th Floor Museum in Dallas, Texas. It's taught me a lot about JFK's assassination as well as given me a taste for the country and the world at that time. I've always wondered what it was that made the JFK assassination so important to so many people. I think I'm starting to get it.

Thanks for the chance to win this book.
ruthann (dot) francis (at) gmail (dot) com

Chelsea S said...

Im a bit young, 20, so I don't remember much about the Kennedy family. Although, I have always been amazed at how much they seemed to have been loved by all. My mother can tell you what she was doing to the last detail when her family heard about JFK's asassination.



Chelsea S said...

I also entered the Hispanic heritage month book giveaway on your blog.



Sarah E said...

Please enter me in this giveaway! The thing I remember most about the Kennedy family is watching a documentary about Robert Kennedy and his assassination.

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah Emmerson

Sarah E said...

I entered the True Blue giveaway!

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

Sarah Emmerson

L said...

When Eunice died. What a great lady with a great cause that changed the world for so many people.

bison61 said...

I can remember the shock of learning President Kennedy had been shot-I was in school at the time

tiramisu392 (at)

CMash said...

Unfortunately I have many memories of the Kennedy dynasty. But would have to say it would be the assination of President Kennedy. I was in 2nd grade and it was announced over the loud speaker. Watching the funeral and trying to understand death, seeing his children, the heartbreak of the nation and trying to absorb all of it being so young. I would love to read his memoir. I am a semi political follower and watched the HBO documentary "In His Own Words" after his death. I was mesmerized and quite surprised by all his accomplishments, all his personal pain and how he dealth with it and what he did for every day people.

CMash said...

Have also entered in The Mindhunters triology and Death Message

Alyce said...

I don't have any memories in particular that stand out other than listening to my mom tell me over and over again where she was when she found out that JFK died (in school - and all of the students and teachers were crying).

akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com

Deborah said...

I was a little girl when JFK was killed. What I remember most is the First Lady's quiet dignity as she laid her husband to rest.

asthenight at gmail dot com

Debbie Rodgers said...

I remember the day Bobby Kennedy was shot. I was 14 - an impressionable age, when I had just started to turn to politics for answers.
tatamagouche AT netbundle DOT ca

photoquest said...

I was a young girl when i heard of Kennedy's assasination but i remember the most when John's plane crashed and i realized no one is exempt from tragedy it was so sad.

Debbie Rodgers said...

I've also entered the Hispanic Heritage Month book bundle giveaway
tatamagouche AT netbundle DOT ca

photoquest said...

I signed up for the receipe club giveaway

Meljprincess said...

I remember John John waving the flag.

Years ago Ted K. held the door open to the post office for a friend of mine who works in Boston. She was plucked!

Mel K.
Meljprincess AT aol DOT com

Pat said...

I will always remember JFK's funeral, and that shot of his son saluting. So sad.

pms3237 said...

This is one book that I think I could read without a break

Luvdaylilies said...

The most vivid memory for me is when John Jrs. plane crashed~so sad=(
Please enter me in your giveaway & thanks so much!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

Charleydog said...

I remember coming home from school and my mother saying, "Kennedy got killed." I thought that she was talking about a local family with the Kennedy name. I remember following the funeral service on tv and crying.

squiresj said...

As I can see, this contest has many people entering to win it. As I have gone through enough tragedies in my lifetime, it is always interesting to read biographies of people.
please enter me to win.

enyl said...

Edward Kennedy could be counted on to fight for the rights of underdog and the powerless.


Surfer Dude said...

I love the Kennedys and i would love to win this book.

Carol L. said...

My first thought is when JFK died.
I remember slumping into a chair and watching the entire event for the next couple of days.Little John saluting his father and of RK's death and then young John's plane crash. Horrible events.
Carol L.

Anonymous said...

The Kennedy's are American royalty, really. I was horrified when John-John's plane went down and spent hours with the tv on as they searched for it. I would love to read this book.
stacybooks at yahoo.

Aisling said...

JFK ran for president when I was 15. One of my friends had a convertible and a group of us piled in and headed out early and parked on his parade route. He looked "right at us" and waved. I'll never forget that.

Anonymous said...

I was so shocked when I learned that John Kennedy's plane had crashed. That was my most memorable Kennedy tragedy.

readingatthebeach at gmail dot com

FrankSandy said...

I remember most the news film footage of Jackie crawling over the back of the convertible after JFK was shot.

Andrea said...

In middle school, I had to do a project about one of my family members so I chose my grandmother. One of the questions we were told to ask was about where they were during JFK's assassination and their memory of that event. I remember my grandma's response to my questions. From my own experience I remember when John died in the plane crash and the media's reaction to that.


Andrea said...

I entered The Recipe Club giveaway

Renee G said...

Watching the funeral for JFK on tv is one of the very first memories that I have from my childhood. I can distinctly remember sitting in front of our old black and white tv set and having my mom explain to me who he was and what had happened and why it was important.

Not my favorite childhood memory --- but definitely one of the first.

Anonymous said...


Sarah Emmerson

saemmerson at yahoo dot com

corkrose said...

Tweeted, facebooked & retweeted!! Book sounds like a great read - thanks

Janet said...

I remember the children and his wife at the funeral. (They are like the Queen of England to America.)


ossmcalc said...

One thing that I remember about the Kennedy family was when John-John saluted his father's casket as it went in front of them.

Thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I tweeted about this giveaway

Thank you,


ossmcalc said...

I also entered the "What The Dog Saw" Book Giveaway.

thank you,


Vera said...

I was shocked to hear about Teddy Kennedy's car accident when he was younger, and the girl that died as a result. I only heard about it after his death.

Vera said...

I'm entering the Children of Dust giveaway.