As San Francisco's most glamorous millionaires mingle at the party of the year, someone is watching--waiting for a chance to take vengeance on Isa and Ethan Bailey, the city's most celebrated couple. Finally, the killer pinpoints the ideal moment, and it's the perfect murder. Not a trace of evidence is left behind in their glamorous home.
As Detective Lindsay Boxer investigates the high-profile murder, someone else is found brutally executed--a preacher with a message of hope for the homeless. His death nearly falls through the cracks, but when reporter Cindy Thomas hears about it, she knows the story could be huge. Probing deeper into the victim's history, she discovers he may not have been quite as saintly as everyone thought.
As the hunt for two criminals tests the limits of the Women's Murder Club, Lindsay sees sparks fly between Cindy and her partner, Detective Rich Conklin. The Women's Murder Club now faces its toughest challenge: will love destroy all that four friends have built? The exhilarating new chapter in the Women's Murder Club series, The 8th Confession serves up a double dose of speed-charged twists and shocking revelations as only James Patterson can. And remember, this is the only Murder Club episode of the year.

Patterson is a champion of reading and the founder of the PageTurner awards, which seek to spread the excitement and joy of books and reading in the United States. James's first foray into family fiction, the critically acclaimed Maximum Ride series, debuted on the New York Times list at #1 and remained there for 12 straight weeks. The series has so far made appearances on The New York Times bestsellers lists 87 times, proving that kids of all ages love page turners.
Patterson is the creator of the #1 new detective series of the past dozen years, featuring "Alex Cross" and including the Hollywood-adapted "Along Came a Spider" and "Kiss the Girls," starring Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman. He is also the creator of the #1 new detective series of the past five years, featuring Lindsay Boxer and the other members of the Women's Murder Club, from which the ABC television drama series is adapted. He has authored books behind six films on the Hollywood fast-track, including the upcoming Maximum Ride movie from Avi Arad, the producer of X-Men and Spiderman. Most recently, New Regency Pictures has optioned The Dangerous Days of Daniel X, James’s newest family Pageturner due out in July of 2008.
He is the author of novels — from The Thomas Berryman Number (1976) to Honeymoon (2005) — that have won awards including the Edgar, the BCA Mystery Guild's Thriller of the Year, the International Thriller of the Year award, and the Reader’s Digest Reader’s Choice Award.
One of Forbes magazine's Celebrity 100, James appeared as a guest star on the popular FOX TV show "The Simpsons" in March, 2007.
Maxine Paetro collaborates with best-selling author James Patterson, co-writing The 4th of July, The 5th Horseman, The 6th Target, the 7th Heaven and the 8th Confession, just released in April 2009. All are New York Times #1 best-sellers in the Women's Murder Club Series.
Patterson/Paetro collaboration, New York Times #1 bestsellerSwimsuit, was released on June 27, 2009. A first-class thriller, Swimsuit has been called "This generation's Silence of the Lambs."
The 9th Judgment, the next entry into the Women's Murder Club series, is slated for publication in 2010.
Before working with James Patterson, Paetro authored three novels; Manshare, Babydreams, and Windfall, published between 1986 and 1991. She also wrote the biography, Dream Lovers, the Magnificent, Shattered Lives of Bobby Darin and Sandra Dee by Their Son, Dodd Darin in 1993.
Her first book, How to Put Your Book Together and Get a Job in Advertising, was published for the first time in 1979 and is still in print today. W.W. Norton is bringing out a newly revised edition in Aug. 2010.
From 1975 through 1987 Paetro was EVP creative department manager at several large New York City advertising agencies. Her garden, Broccoli Hall, has been featured in national magazines including House & Garden, Victoria Magazine, Country Gardens, Country Homes and is on the Garden Conservancy Open Days Program.
Paetro is married to surety bond executive, John A. Duffy, founder and CEO of consulting company, Manhattan Bridge, LLC.
REVIEW:The Women’s Murder Club is back again with more of the four fierce gal pals that make THE 8th CONFESSION another fast paced remarkable read. James Patterson teams up again with Maxine Paetro to involve Lindsay, Claire, Yuki, and Cindy in two murder cases, and a couple of romances as well. When Cindy Thomas, top notch crime reporter with the San Francisco Chronicle, finds a homeless man, known only to those in the area as “Bagman Jesus”, viciously murdered, she is relieved that her good friend Lindsay is assigned to handle the case. However, her relief will be short lived as she finds herself doing much of the investigating when progress on the case isn’t coming fast enough for her to make her deadlines, no pun intended!
San Francisco Police Department Homicide Detective Lindsay Boxer, and her partner, Rich Conklin, are immediately involved in trying to find out who this Bagman really is and just who it is that wanted him dead. At the same time, they have been assigned a very high profile case when several wealthy and well known area citizens are found dead with no cause of death being established. Claire Washburn, the medical examiner, is as perplexed as Lindsay when all the autopsy reports show nothing and the toxicology reports come back negative. Yuki Castellano, who is with the DA’s office, finds herself prosecuting the very tough case of the homeless murder so that when the four friends meet up, there is more than enough to talk about…and they haven’t even touched on all that is going on in their personal lives!
All of this spins into a story that leads amazingly into a web as one thing seems to weave into the other and all the women wind up in one way or another working on some part of the same case. On the side stories of personal lives, Lindsay is still with Joe and would seem to be satisfied with that until she finds out that her partner, Rich, is now involved with her friend Cindy. Having put off Rich’s advances over time and with her long time relationship with Joe, Lindsay has no reason to resent them this affair but it does bother her, more than she wants to admit. Perhaps her fear of commitment and liking the idea of their being another choice for her out there is what makes Lindsay not care for the twosome of Rich and Cindy. What she does about this and how the other players respond can only be found out by reading the book. And as if that isn’t enough, Yuki finds herself a doctor which should be good news until a twist at the end makes for an unusual to say the least romantic mystery of its own.
As for the two murders Lindsay is involved with, they seem to get your attention from the first chapter and don’t let go which is much the reason Patterson is as popular as he is. One more chapter, the reader will say, and before you know it, one more becomes two and three and poof! ---another Patterson novel is finished!


I like the way he says he writes every chapter like a speeding frate train!
I am a follower!
I learned: Patterson is the creator of the #1 new detective series of the past dozen years
google follower
James patterson has an organization called read kiddo read that promotes the love of books in children.
Lacey914 at sbcglobal dot net
Lacey914 at sbcglobal dot net
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Lacey914 at sbcglobal dot net
Pretty Please (lol) count me in...anything by James Patterson, I have to read.
Fact..not surprising..first author to have #1 new titles simultaneously on NYT Bestseller List
Am a google friend connect follower and email subscriber
P.S. GL on making it to 600...have no doubt it will happen quickly
He has a great website Readkiddoread.com that is a great resource for parents to develop a love of reading in their kids.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
rss subscriber
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I love Patterson's Read Kiddo Read site. My son has it bookmarked in his fav places. It is so important to gets the kids reading.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I follow on Google friend connect.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
9th Judgment is going to be released April 26th.
I follow on google friend
Wow, I knew Patterson was a best selling author, but I had no idea he sold an (estimated 170 million copies worldwide)!!!
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Thanks for the contest.
I'm a follower
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
I love this series and have read the first 7 so, I really NEED this one.
I love the fact that Patterson supports children reading with his READKIDDO program, that the 9th book is coming out soon, and that he gives away books on his site all the time.
I am a follower on Google reader.
Here's a tweet!
I thought that the sweepstakes to win an advance signed copy of The Worst Case was interesting, and I promptly entered it. :-)
Thank you for the giveaway!
anthy_stl [ATT] yahoo [DOTT] com
It was interesting to read what Jame's movie recommendations were.
janie1215 AT excite DOT com
I'm a GFC follower.
janie1215 AT excite DOT com
I certainly want this one. Patterson has so many irons in the fire...how does he do it all? He was first to have more than one title on the best seller list at once.
anjamie4 at gmail dot com
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anjamie at gmail DOT com
His new book Worst Case comes out tomorrow ...great!
wickdogg AT gmailDOT com
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wickdogg AT gmaildot com
Patterson has a Web site called readkiddoread.com that is geared toward books for kids.
Although I knew Patterson has penned some YA novels, I had no idea how involved he is in childhood literacy. His readkiddoread.com site is great! There's sections for different age groups and super new title like the new Newbery winner, When You Reach Me (find time to read it, it was great!) and old favorites like Watership Down. What a great thing to promote.
I am a loyal google friend connect follower.
I found it interesting that James Patterson has authored books behind six films on the Hollywood fast-track, including the upcoming Maximum Ride movie forthcoming from Avi Arad, the producer of X-Men and Spiderman!
clctaube @ yahoo.com
clctaube @ yahoo.com
His new book Worst Case is being released tomorrow.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I follow with google reader.
ebeandebe at gmail dot com
I find that the Readkiddoread link is the most intresting part of the website. I recommend it to all parents.
Google Friend Connect follower.
I like that he has sweepstakes. :D
I receive e-mail updates.
the new book Fang will be on
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Patterson is a really interesting author. I learned all kinds of interesting things from the video clips on his website. He said in one that he has 1000's of ideas for new books and not enough time to write them all.
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I am a follower.
I like that James Patterson is such a diverse writer. I love that he is coming out with so many new books. Fang seems interesting. Thank you for this nice giveaway and please count me in.
chinook92 at gmail dot com
I follow Bookin' With Bingo via Google Friends.
chinook92 at gmail dot com
I Tweeted your giveaway:
chinook92 at gmail dot com
I first discovered James Patterson only about 7 years ago. I spent one whole summer, when not driving kids to their sports activies, reading all the Patterson books I could get my hands on, in the pool. Not one every fell into the water! I don't know how he and his writer helpers do it, but I gotta read 'em. Love those women.
I think your PSA today about Red Day and heart attacks was a very helpful reminder to us all! It's true that over the years, heart attacks have effected both men and women, but because of different symptoms, women are often diagnosed later. Stick to your guns and read the symptoms and how they're different!
I found that he often has his own giveaways.
James Patterson gives his own movie comments for his subscribers.
I am a Google friend.
Your PSA post today ( Wear Read Day) was informative. I think it is great that there is a focus being placed on changing the attitude toward heart disease. Having worked in healthcare I have seen first hand that it is considered a man's disease. I have seen heart disease/ heart attack go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed because the symptoms were different in women.
Was surprised to see he does little movie reviews on his site.
karin56381 (at) gmail.com
I didn't realize he had written so many books! He is the creater of the #1 detective series of the past dozen years.
I follow on google friend
I follow via GFC!
I learned that Lindsay Boxer, Cindy Thomas, Claire Washburn and Jill Bernhardt are the original member of the detective series!
I follow via GFC and google reader!
I blogged!
In 2007 one in every fifteen books sold in North America was written by James Patterson. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I love that James Patterson is so involved with promoting literacy. I love his website readkiddoread!
Please enter me. For some reason I have a bonus entry posted at comment #53, but my first entry is not there! SO here it is!
lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com
I follow through google friend connect, and networked blogs.
I found it very interesting that he has had 19 consecutive #1 New York Times best selling novels.
seriousreader at live dot com
I am a follower on Google.
seriousreader at live dot com
I love James Patterson--please enter me in this contest
I found it interesting that James Patterson made a guest appearance on the popular FOX TV show "The Simpsons" in March, 2007.
rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm following your blog via google friend connect.
rubycakesgirl (at) gmail (dot) com
They have sweeps to: Enter for a chance to win Step on a Crack and Run for Your Life!
He currently has a sweepstakes going on at his site that I entered too. :)
I follow on google friend connect.
I learned that his book The 9th Judgment is being released on April 26, 2010.
I am a Google Connect Friend follower and also subscribe via Google Reader.
I learned that you can dl a Fang iphone app!
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I like the James Patterson Community discussion board. I also like the fact that everything you want or need to know about James Patterson is there.
Thanks ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I follow in GFC.
megalon22 at yahoo dot com
I read on his site that he was on The Simpsons!
I'm a Google follower.
I saw that there is a special program that encourages kids to read called "readkiddoread.com" Looks pretty cool!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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