And some call it "Hump Day",
But no matter what you say,
.... here at BOOKIN' WITH BINGO!
(and you thought I was getting into poetry, didn't you?) WRONG!
BUT I can give you some hints as to what is coming right here within the next two months!!
Be prepared, don't miss a day, you'll be sorry if you do!
OK! So here are the hints! PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAPS!
- LOVE IS IN THE AIR ON FEBRUARY 14th...but that's not all!
Well I don't know how well I'll do at this. Are we supposed to be guessing the date? The event? Can you guess that I'm terrible at scavenger hunts and puzzles like this? :)
Ok, here is my lame attempt.
1. Super Bowl giveaway (I had to look it up - wow the super bowl is this weekend - Feb. 1st).
2. Valentine's Day...I'm hoping for chocolate! ;)
3. Late February & fingers crossed...I'm so not good at this...Ash Wednesday (I'm sure this is wrong, but hey my calendar says Ash Wednesday is at the end of February so I'm going with it.)
4. This one almost had me looking up gay marriage laws. :) Daylight savings time? :)
5. The Ides of March, that would be March 15th (the b-day of one of my best friends from high school). The Ides of March was mentioned in Julius Caeser as a warning of his impending death. Let's hope your event is more cheery! ;)
And that's it. That's my silly attempt at guessing. Looks like you have some fun stuff coming soon!
Alyce! What great guesses! One can only win if they try. I appreciate your bravery and imagination! Your answers are more fun than the real thing, I think! Not quite correct however, but you are thinking! And yes, some really fun, good stuff coming up! And you are VERY CLOSE on #1 so if nobody comes any closer as this goes on, you could just win! By the way, you can guess as many times as you like and do pass it on to friends! THANK YOU!
i am usually quite stinky at this but I am giving it a shot anyway...
2- February 14 is also Kids <3 Authors day
3- Mardi Gras is in late February
4- men are married to the tvs in March for MArch Madness. yay basketball...
5- The Ides of March is also a novel by Thornton Wilder
ok now that i wasted time getting those all wrong...have a god laugh at the answers
Stinky you are not! You have #1 correct and are currently in the lead! I know you are so excited you won't be able to sleep but seriously, thanks for stopping by and do enter the book contests. One finished tonight and the other starts today!
For the record I only got to answer #1 before someone else because I am addicted to google reader. Seriously, if I wasn't constantly glued to it someone would have beat me to that.
This is one of my favorite clip arts. I do the power point slides for my husband's seminars, and I always put that one at the end when he tries to figure out if anyone retained anything!
I love Alyce's guess for #5!!!
I agree! Alyce was at least very creative! Thanks all for guessing! We shall see how long it takes someone to get more or all right. I have faith (but just in case, will put an end date on this as of Feb. 21 to coincide with my new giveaway that started tonight for THE LITTLE GIANT OF ABERDEEN COUNTY!) LOL, Bingo
Lets see if I can get number 2. Is your review of Run for Your Life and the giveaway whats happening on Valentine's Day? can't hurt to guess at this point
Oh, Erika! You are close but it isn't #2...hint, hint!Keep trying!
Ok my next guess then is that the James Patterson review and giveaway is #3. Even though it isn't an Alex Cross novel it is his new male detective...maybe?
Erika! You are correct on # 3! Keep working and if you get all 5 you will be THE WINNER!
The Very Valentine giveaway is number 2, i think. i am getting there slowly
Erika Lynn, you ARE a person with great tenacity! You NOW have the first 3 correct and can't see anyone taking you on now BUT we still have 4 and 5! I love the fact you keep coming back.Thank You!
haha i love the shoutout in the new post. 4 is the week of M posts. YAY I only have one left!
Erika! I believe this IS your very own contest at this point and you are so close on the #4...and I think you will get it today if you reread the clue and look at today's post. The last one you MAY get if you know who I am talking about in I think tomorrow's coming attractions for the rest of the month..oh so nice to know one person is with my little blog each day! THANKS!!LOL
4- "M" theme this week centers around a wonderful book called MATRIMONY by Joshua Henkin.
5- --Meet a new author to me and win two of her books in a Mega-Giveaway??
I was just reviewing to see if I had a "puzzled" winner yet (Erika?) but still the 5th clue eludes the mastermind! I believe that one needs to concentrate on an author who has two books with those words in it...that would be MY suggestion. Hmmm, and be a shame to wait until March 15 when that part is announced.
Go! Erika! Go!...or a sharp someone may just sneak in ahead of you....thanks to all who at least are reading along on this one!
does number 5 have to do with Amy Ephron and her book A Cup of Tea: A Novel of 1917?
scratch that last answer it has to be J.R. LaGreca!!!
Erika Lynn! You ARE a WINNER for SO MANY REASONS! One is that you stuck with it even more than I did. I am very behind so the last clue didn't post on March 15 but you are right. I am going to be posting J. R. LaGreca and her two books in about a week.
So you have been declared the winner and I shall post about it and about your prize. Do send me your address via email so I can get it out to you! And watch later tonight or tomorrow for the YOU WON post to see what you are getting!!!!!
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