A Tale of Food and Friendship
Lilly and Val are lifelong friends, united as much by their differences as by their similarities. Lilly, dramatic and confident, lives in the shadow of her beautiful, wayward mother and craves the attention of her distant, disapproving father. Val, shy and idealistic -- and surprisingly ambitious -- struggles with her desire to break free from her demanding housebound mother and a father whose dreams never seem to come true.
In childhood, "LillyPad" and "Valpal" vow to form an exclusive two-person club. Throughout the decades they write intimate letters in which they share hopes, fears, deepest secrets -- and recipes, from Lilly's "Lovelorn Lasagna" to Valerie's "Forgiveness Tapenade." Readers can cook along as the girls travel through time, facing the challenges of independence; the joys and heartbreaks of first love; and the emotional complexities of family relationships, identity, mortality, and goals deferred.
But no matter what different paths they take or what misunderstandings threaten to break them apart, Lilly and Val always find their way back together through their Recipe Club . . . until the fateful day when an act of kindness becomes an unforgivable betrayal.
Now, decades later, while trying to recapture the trust they've lost, Lilly and Val reunite once more -- only to uncover a shocking secret. Will it destroy their friendship, or bring them ever closer?
ABOUT THE AUTHORS:Andrea Israel is a producer/writer for ABC's Focus Earth. She was a producer/writer on Anderson Cooper 360, Dateline, and Good Morning America (which garnered her an Emmy Award). Her story In Donald's Eyes was recently optioned for a film. Ms. Israel is the author of Taking Tea. Her writing has appeared in many publications.

How often, or where, would you find a gorgeous while unique cookbook full of amazing recipes that really plays second to a wonderful story of friendship? THE RECIPE CLUB is one of my favorite reads in a long time. It tells the story of Valerie "Valpal" and Lilly "LillyPad", and their Recipe Club which begins when they are ten years old and pen pals. They faithfully write each other and with each letter, or note, they not only share their deepest secrets, hopes and dreams, but also attach a recipe. These pen pals turn into lifelong friends as letters turn to emails and their problems as children take on a whole new look as they grow up. Two different personalities, two different families, two different gals with many different recipes for food and friendship. That IS the recipe for a surefire successful novel and cookbook.
There is so much love in this book...love of food and love of friendship. This is a friendship that is tested as Lily and Valerie grow but it survives in good times and bad. I think readers will relate to these women and even understand when something happens to tragically try and break them apart. Is their friendship strong enough to survive this? Can a recipe be the sweetest part of this story or is it the loyal friendship of these two girls/women?
The authors, Israel and Garfinkel, give us a dynamic narrative filled with passion and purpose, emotions and eats! Their writing flowed so well and was one of those books I hated to put down. I was surely glad I started it on a slow weekend as I am afraid much would have gone undone had I not. Don't take my word on this one, as I said before, everyone has different tastes...but one thing I know is that your taste will enjoy the recipe part for sure! THE RECIPE CLUB: add two girls, stir them through good and bad times, toss with some 80 recipes, and marinate until the climax when things really heat up. The result? Well, see for yourself if this one is your taste in books!
the FSB Associates, I have 2 copies
of this yummy book to give away!
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Since I love to cook I would have to say the thing that interests me most are the recipes.
A wonderful review! My friends and I are all "foodies". We cook for each other, share recipes, and talk about food all the time. I would love to read this book because food is a universal communicator, as is friendship.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
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gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Both friendship and recipes sound great but I would pick it for the friendship.
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You know I would love this one! While I love recipes, the story behind them make culinary fiction so much more interesting to me!
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I really think the friendship aspect of the book interests me most, even thought I will enjoy the recipes!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
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mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
The novel of friendship!
Google friend connect follower!
Thanks for this great giveaway. The story would captivate me and the recipes entice me. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com
I'm more interested in the friendship aspect, but the recipes appeal too.
akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
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akreese (at) hotmail (dot) com
I like the friendship factor the most
readingatthebeach at gmail dot com
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readingatthebeach at gmail dot com
Recipes make me want it more!
kherbrand at comcast do tnet
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kherbrand at comcast dot net
For me it would be the recipes!
nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
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nbmars AT yahoo DOT com
I'm a Google follower. And I love books about food.
harvee44 at yahoo.com
I love recipe books and memoirs by cooks.
harvee44 at yahoo.com
The friendships first..recipes a close 2nd!
Definitely the recipes!
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The story sounds great, but I think I'd be interested most in the recipes. I like the idea of them changing over time, maybe the types of recipes, etc.
I am a google friend connect follower.
The Recipes.
Definitely for the friendship.
+1 entry
merryweatherbookblog (at) gmail.com
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Of course friendship is always important, but right now I am all about cooking, so the recipe part is what I'm most excited about!
I follow your blog via google friend connect!
I love stories on friendships! As much as I like the recipe addition - I think the friendship is the draw for me.
I follow your blog :)
journey through books @ gmail dot com
Looks like a great book. Friends and food in one story. Can't beat that. I am also a follower for the giveaway!
My scale says that I want the book for the recipes:-)
Thanks for the giveaway.
I'm a follower - to the ends of the earth...or as far as my short fat legs can take me. LOL
I'd love to be entered in your giveaway for this book. I would enjoy the friendship part of the novel, but I am also a recipe nut who loves to cook and bake so the recipes are a plus too. Thank you!
It's a tough choice, but I'm going to say I'm more interested in the novel of friendship. milou2ster(at)gmail.com
I subscribe in Google Reader.
I just saw this at the book store-it is written diary style with recipes-I probably have enough cookbooks-but I like that aspect of the books so the recipes are what are luring me in.
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oops I did not leave my email above
chocolateandcroissants at yahoo dot com
I tweeted - http://twitter.com/kherbrand/statuses/4779671055
kherbrand at comcast dot net
The recipes sound fun, but the friendship story sounds nice.
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
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BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
It's a tie..I really enjoy good recipes that I will use over and over...yet frindship is a big thing in my life...I really enjoy reading about it too. I am looking forward to both! bekki1820cb@gmail.com
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Great review! I think maybe the friendship part interests me the most....but I sure love recipes too!
Thanks for the wonderful review and giveaway!
imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
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imsosweepy { at } gmail { dot } com
friendship one and recipes second
copperllama at yahoo dot com
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copperllama at yahoo dot com
I would say the Novel but the food is definately a bonus!!
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You have the greatest giveaways; thanks Karen
bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com
I would say the story of friendship, but the food part helps!
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
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dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I would have to say the friendship/sisterhood appeals to me best as I love books about sisters.
Thanks for the chance!
bookcat1010 at gmail dot com
I do follow on Google Friend Connect (Ally/rubymoonstoneATgmail)
bookcat1010 at gmail dot com
I'd have to say I'm more interested in the recipes since I love cooking.
Ever since reading Julie & Julia, I'm all about books centered around food. And I think I'd like the recipes the most since I've caught the cooking bug!
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I would love the recipes but think to read I prefer the friend part
anjamie (AT) gmail DOT com
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anjamie (AT) gmail DOT com
I think the novel of friendship has just a bit more appeal,but the recipes are definitely high up there, too.
I follow on Google Friends Connect.
Sure the friendship thing is great, but it is the recipe part that really draws me.
I follow your blog through google friend finder.
The novel of friendship makes me want this book more.
Thank you,
I am a follower through Google Friend Connect.
Thank you,
I tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/5185203517
Thank you,
Both. If I had to choose one it would be friendship,because where would we be without our friendships. Some are my friends are like sisters to me and we have sure had our up and downs. Thanks!jacquecurl1@gmail.com
I follow through google friend. jacquecurl1@gmail.com
Friends forever. Please enter me. walkerd@primus.ca
I want the novel of friendship. Please enter me.
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I tweeted. @lag32583
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