Monday, January 12, 2009



This is a book club’s dream book…and anyone who loves to read and aspires to write. A book of friendship and history, love and misery, success and failure, THE WEDNESDAY SISTERS is a delightful tale for readers young and old. Frankie, the narrator begins to spin the enchanting tale of five women meeting at the playground with their children in the late 1960’s, around the Palo Alto area of California, and tells of their developing a long remarkable bond. This bond will take them though history both nationally and their own. Meeting at a time when women’s lib was on the horizon, these ladies were a long way from burning their bras. As they get to know each other, they realize they share more than just a love of their families, but also they love The Miss America Pageant. This somewhat quirky mutual amusement becomes a staple that the story can be measured by year after year. Each year, as the story progresses, the growth of the characters is exemplified in the way they celebrate, and relate to the changes in the pageant…representative of the changes in America for many but even more so for women.

The Wednesday Sisters, as they name their group, are made up of Frankie, the narrator, Kath, Brett, Linda, and Ally. When these women discover they love books and really like to write, they tentatively begin writing during their playground meeting times. They compare each others work, quite often some being more brutally honest than others. It takes a while for them to realize this is a good thing to have a friend who can be so honest with them, especially about something so special to each of them. The women all seem to know each other so well but slowly secrets in their lives are puzzled over, and then finally revealed to each other. Through their love of books and writing, they are able to get through some of the most painful times of their lives, with the support of their other “sisters”.

While the sisters experience life and grow with the history of the times, living through assassinations, moon walks, and marching for women’s rights, these five women remain friends and are constant support in their writing as well as in each other’s lives. As their story evolves, these extremely relatable characters go through crises of their own….from infidelity and cheating husbands, critical in-laws to cancer, from being unable to bear children to the rejections of their writing. All through it, however, the women are there for each other. Meg Waite Clayton writes a story readers will cherish and want to share with all their good friends. She has written a book lover’s book, a writer’s delight, and a friendship’s friend.

Submitted Originally to Curled Up with a Good Book by K. H.(Bingo) as well as for,, and Barnes&


Alyce said...

I loved this book! It was one of the first that I reviewed (I just wrote a little blurb, so it wasn't that much of a review) on my blog.

Bingo said...

Alyce, I found it interesting that some of my book club people loved it but a few didn't care for it! I was really surprised by that! Thanks for the comments!