Friday, January 23, 2009


REMINDER: Tonight at midnight, EST, is your last chance to enter the contest for an autographed copy of CREEPERS by Joanne Dahme! Don't miss your chance to be the first to shout "BINGO! I won". Winner will be notified tomorrow by 6 PM, EST. Remember to go to the CREEPERS Contest post here on Bookin' With Bingo to comment and enter for the copy of CREEPERS!

by James Patterson

Today I announce my next giveaway! Thanks to the generous people at Hachette Publishing, they will send the winner a brand new copy of James Patterson's huge best seller, SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S!

Here are the rules...boy is this one easy!

1) Comment for this giveaway on this post and tell me what your favorite James Patterson book is. Everyone posting a comment here will get one entry.

2) Anyone who posts a comment about this contest on their own blog and comments to let me know where it is posted, gets a second entry! So now you could have two chances to win.

3) Contest runs from today, January 23 until midnight on February 1, 2009!


donnas said...

My favorite is Sail by James Patterson and Howard Roughan.

Bingo said...

Thanks, Donna! You are officially the first entry for SUNDAYS AT TIFFANY'S contest on Bookin' With Bingo! It is really hard to pick one, isn't it? Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this book.Thanks for the opportunity!

catslady said...

I've enjoyed so many of his books. I'm going to say Along Came a Spider because it's one of the first that I read.

catslady said...

I enjoyed Along Came a Spider - thanks.

Annie1 said...

I liked Double Cross!


Bingo said...

Those of you who are entering with a comment, don't forget to let us know your favorite James Patterson book! Thanks!

Nutz4reading said...

Well I have a few of James Patterson's books. I have only read one so far and that is Double Cross. I enjoyed that one so right now that is my favorite book by James Patterson.

Thanks for running another contest bingo. I hope you get many entries.

KR said...

I've never read ones of his that I didn't love. I guess my favorite is Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas.

Sandee61 said...

I'd love to read this book! My favorite John Patterson book is "Cross".



Asylumgirl said...

My favorite James Patterson book is Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment.


darbyscloset said...

My favorite is "Kiss the Girls"!
Thanks for the giveaway and I am looking forward to a fun Patterson month with you!!
darbyscloset at yahoo dot com

Bingo said...

Thanks for the great responses in such a short time! I hope lots of you will enter as this is the start of my James Patterson month (February)! Good Luck!

Allison said...

I loved ALL his books (maybe a little less the coauthored ones) but "Kiss the Girls" and "Cross" are my favorites. Please enter me!!

Anonymous said...

I liked Along Came a Spider-Thanks

mindy said...

i would have to say double cross thanks for the giveaway

Francine Anchondo said...

My favorite is Along Came a Spider. Thanks for the giveaway.

Angela C said...

My favorite book is Kiss the girls. It's not only my favorite book by him but it is My favorite book period.

Bingo said...

Thanks everybody for all the entries. I think I shall tally the choices and give the results at the end of what book all the entrants like the best! Happy Reading and good luck!

Unknown said...

I love Patterson. I started reading with the Cross series. Thanks for the giveaway.

Erika Powell said...

My favorite is any in the Alex Cross Series. I love Cross!

ossmcalc said...

I am a great fan of James Patterson. Even though I love anything in the Alex Cross Series, I still love "Along Came A Spider."

I would really like to win a copy of this book.

ossmcalc said...

ossmcalc forgot to leave her email address:

I am also subscribed through Google/Blogger.

Theresa N. said...

Suzanne's Diary For Nicholas, it mad me cry I really didn't see that ending coming...
Theresa N

Unknown said...

I don't know if I can pick a favorite. His books are always amazing... I guess I'd have to say Mary, Mary.


photoquest said...

I guess i would have to say Honeymoon I love James Patterson's writting and would love to win a copy of this book :)

Kaye said...

Hey Bingo, I sent you a message at Book blog.ning

sharon54220 said...

To be honest, I haven't read a book by James Patterson yet. I have added him to my list of authors to read.

Please enter me in this contest.

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

My favorite is Sam's Letters To Jennifer. Thanks for the chance to win!

P.S. I am giving away a signed ARC of Patrick Carman's 'Skeleton Creek' if you want to drop by my blog and enter :D