The Gift is a magical, fable-like Christmas story from Cecelia Ahern, the celebrated New York Times bestselling author of P.S. I Love You and Thanks for the Memories. The story of Lou Suffern, a successful executive frustrated by the fact that he spends more time in the office than with his doting wife and two young children, The Gift is “a tantalizing tale wrapped in a tale. . . . [the] perfect treat for the holidays.” (Sara Gruen)
New York Times bestselling author Cecelia Ahern spins a witty, warm, and wise modern-day fable of love, regret, hope, and second chances.
Extremely successful executive, Lou Suffern is always overstretched, immune to the holiday spirit that delights everyone around him. The classic workaholic who never has a moment to spare, he is always multitasking while shortchanging his devoted wife and their adorable children. And ever since he started competing for a big promotion, he has barely seen his family at all.
One frigid morning in an uncharacteristic burst of generosity, he buys a cup of coffee for Gabe, a homeless man huddled outside his office building. Inspired by his own unexpected act of kindness, Lou decides to prolong his charitable streak and contrives to get Gabe a job in his company's mail room. But when Gabe begins to meddle in Lou's life, the helping hand appears to be a serious mistake. Gabe seems to know more about Lou than Lou does about himself, and, perhaps more disturbingly, Gabe always seems to be in two places at once.
With Lou's personal and professional fates at important crossroads and Christmas looming, Gabe resorts to some unorthodox methods to show his stubborn patron what truly matters and how precious the gift of time is. But can he help him fix what's broken before it's too late?ABOUT THE AUTHOR:

Cecilia Ahern has certainly given her book the right title, THE GIFT. This book is truly a gift especially at this time of the year. When all of us double and triple our already full workload, we wind up asking ourselves why? So most of us will relate somewhat with the main character, Lou.
Lou is the king of multi-taskers except that he often needs to single task and pay more attention to other things in his life like his wife and family. He is so busy doing so many things at once, is life it on a treadmill. When Lou gets a chance for a promotion at work, he winds up doing even more. Even when he is home with his family, his mind is not there with them but on what else he needs to be doing.
On a winter morning that all changes. Lou finds a homeless man outside his office building and almost passes him up and then decides that maybe this is someone he can help. He introduces himself to the man whose name is Gabe and before you know it, he helps Gabe get a job in his company. Lou figures if he does that, Gabe will be able to take better care of himself and in turn that makes Lou feel great. Gabe gets a job in the mail room however, he also starts to get in Lou's way. It seems like every time Lou turns around, Gabe is there. Before you know it, Lou begins to resent it and feel his personal space is being invaded. It also makes Lou suspicious at how Gabe always seems to know where Lou will be and shows up there.
Christmas isn't far away and Lou realizes slowly how valuable time really is. He learns how important certain things in life really are but he also learns a very hard lesson as well. What happens and what part does Gabe play in this? What secrets will be revealed? The story shows how just like a gift can hide something under layers of usually good looking paper and bows, so can people be a different thing once you unwrap them and discover their true secrets...and what is really important in life.

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I did not know that Cecelia was a co-creator of Samantha Who? ! I loved that show and I'm so sorry that it was cancelled.
tweeted: http://twitter.com/truebookaddict/status/5596229163
I am a loyal follower via Google Friend Connect!
I don't think you gave too much away! I like that the homeless man's name is Gabe (my son's name!). I have a sneaking suspicion that he may be a certain angel that we all have heard of!
Thanks for another great giveaway, Karen!
Cecelia's seventh novel, THE BOOK OF TOMORROW is currently out in the UK and Ireland now.
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
You wrote an excellent review, explaining just enough to peak our interest!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
I don't think you gave away too much at all!
dreyshouse at gmail dot com
I'm a follower (of course!)
dreyshouse at gmail dot com
I still can't believe that she wrote P.S. I Love You at 21! Loved the movie, too... Should've come with a box of tissues required warning...
dreyshouse at gmail dot com
Cecilia is a the co-creator of Samantha Who? starring Christina Applegate.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I follow on Google Friend Connect.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
I learned that Cecelia is the co-creator of Samantha Who.
You didn't give too much away - I want to know what secrets were revealed.
She wrote her first novel, PS I Love You, at age twenty-one. It became a major motion picture. Very impressive at that young age.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
I follow by email; and the site is on my Favorites list.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
You did give away a lot of information, but just enough to make us want to read the book and find out what really happens!
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
Cecilia was the youngest recipient of a Nielsen Book Platinum Award....that's impressive.
I blogged about your giveaway (I stole...I mean borrowed.... your image of the book).
I follow through my blogger.
excellent; thank you
bibliophilebythesea AT gmail DOT com
She wrote her first novel, PS I Love You, at age twenty-one.
I follow on Google Freind
Nah, u didn't give too much away.
no i think you gave enough away to make me want to read it minsthins at optonline dot net
I'm surprised she was schooled as a journalist, Ahern's stories are just magical, not factual! I also had no idea she helped create Samantha Who? What a creative woman.
I follow via google friend connect.
No, I don't think you gave too much away in your review. It was just enough to whet my appetite for a wonderful sounding Christmas tale! Thanks for the giveaway!
I am shocked that she wrote PS I Love You when she was only 21. Wow! I love the movie, I didn't realize that it was based on a book. I see that she has several other books that have been optioned for movies or tv.
I liked your review, and I do not think you gave too much away.
I tweeted:
I think it's pretty cool that she co-created Sam Who. I used to watch that show and love Chritina Applegate.
I enjoyed your review and think you gave just enough away to make me want it.
I am follower (blogger/subscribe in google reader).
I didn't know she was so young! I've read a couple of her books and just adore them. I expected her to be much older!
krtrumpet [at] aol [dot] com
I follow via google friends connect and google reader.
No, I don't think you gave too much away in your review. It was enough to intrigue us.
I follow on Google Connect.
Based on your review, I'm eager to read the book. I don't think you gave too much away. Thanks for the review.
Wow, Cecelia's seventh novel is out. This girl is uber talented!
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I follow with Google Friend Connect.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
I thought your review was great and didn't give too much away.
dlodden at frontiernet dot net
she was voted Author of Year in the Glamour Women of the Year Awards in 2008
msboatgal at aol.com
Follower via google reader
msboatgal at aol.com
I don't think you gave away too much - I enjoyed reading about the book
msboatgal at aol.com
I'm a big fan of her books and in fact, I just picked up Thanks for the Memories today. I find her site very interesting and love that she created Samantha Who.
I knew that Cecelia Aherns father was prime minister of Ireland but I did not know she cowrote Samantha Who??
I follow on your blog plus on Google Reader , I twittered contesthttp://twitter.com/Celticlady1953/status/5608149159
also posted contest on my sidebar on my blog.
Her book PS,I Love You was made into a movie.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
+1 Cecelia was nominated for Best Newcomer 2004/5 at the British Book Awards for her debut novel PS, I Love You.
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
+1 I am a follower.
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
+1 I think your review was just great - really made me wnat to read this book
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
I am so impressed with all Cecelia's sucess in writing she has given all her royalities of quite a few short stories to chairity, bravo!
Mytyme2 at gmail dot com
I learned that the book of tomorrow is already out in the UK--hey not fair! I love P.S.I Love You!!!
thanks for the chance to win!
I learned Cecelia's the co-creater, (along with Donald Todd), and producer of the ABC television show, Samantha Who?
heatheranne99 (at) hotmail (dot) com
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
Blog follower!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
No I don't think you gave away too much information, I always enjoy your reviews!
heatheranne99 at hotmail dot com
That is so cool that she is the co-creator of Samantha Who.
I follow on google connect.
And I always like your reviews. You definitely didn't give too much away.
Ooh! I saw this book last Cristmas and wanted to read it. I don't know why I didn't.
Cecilia is the youngest winner of the Nielsen Book Platinum Award.
I don't know what that award is, but cool!
Contest in my sidebar under The Contest List
I follow you with Google Friend Connect!
I was afraid to read the review in case you did give too much away. In the end, it's a great review, and while it was a little bit more than *I* would want to know, I think the average review reader would not think so.
"At twenty-one, she wrote her first novel PS, I Love You, which was sold to over forty countries." How amazing! I just read it this summer and I'm amazed at such great talent at such a young age.
Thanks for sharing.
s.mickelson at gmail dot com
I learned that her first novel "PS, I Love You" was sold to over forty countries & made into a major motion picture - and she was only 21!
I don't think you gave too much away - I liked your review! You told me just enough to increase my interest in reading this book.
I had no idea she was so prolific! And multi-talented. Short stories, novels, movies, AND Samantha Who?!! I have a copy of THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES in my TBR pile. I think I'll move it up in the stack while I wait to see if I've won THE GIFT. Thanks for a chance to win.
geebee.reads AT gmail dOT com
I'm a Follower!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
I don't think you gave too much away -- but I won't know for sure unless I get to read the book!
geebee.reads AT gmail dOT com
She's one of the creators of Samantha Who.
kolists a/t gmail d\t com
No, I don't think you gave too much away.
kolists a/t gmail d\t com
Cecelia was nominated for Best Newcomer 2004/5 at the British Book Awards for her debut novel PS, I Love You.
I miss Samantha Who, so nice to know Cecilia was co-creator.
Google friend follower!
You didn't give too much away in your review! Even if you did, I like spoilers!
Cecelia writes short stories for different anthologies and donates any proceeds to charity.
I follow by GFC
I don't think you gave too much away in the review.
I agree with another poster, perhaps Gabe is heaven sent.
I found out that Cecelia was a co-creator of Samantha Who? Didn't know that.
I learned that her first book PS, I Love You was one of the biggest-selling debut novels of 2004.
I think it's neat that she produce Samantha Who?! Amazing that she finds the time to write! Busy, busy!
No, I don't think you gave too much away. I think you gave just enough to make me want to read it!
I follow you on blogger...mama hill
Cecilia is a the co-creator of Samantha Who
Free Play Bear Bonus -- The names of the bears are: Max, Agie, All Oops, Barney, Ursala.
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
I adore Cecelia Ahern and would love to win this! I love her books and loved her even more as co creator of Samantha Who
I am a follower
I don't think you gave away too much, if anything you made me want to read more
I learned that she wrote the novel the movie P.S. I Love You was based on! Who knew? How cool! And that the book hit over 1 million!
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
I'm a Google Friend Connect follower.
BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com
Entry No 1 - She is a very accomplished woman, novelist, short story writer, TV show creator, Woman of the Year. I'm impressed.
Entry No 2 - I thought your review was a good teaser. I still want to read the book.
Sorry I forgot my email address:
Samantha Who was also one of my favorite shows and it's cool that Cecelia was a co-creator.
Wow! Maybe she can do it again!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I think your review was just right. Not too much and not too little. Great job!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
I'm a follower!
dcf_beth at verizon dot net
LEARNED: Cecelia is the co-creater, along with Donald Todd, and producer of the ABC half-hour comedy television show, Samantha Who?
I learned that she has also written a play!
wow! She seems to do it all!
+1 Free Play Bear Bonus
Max, Agie, All Oops, Barney, Ursala
I follow with Google Reader.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Good review. It was just enough to make me want to read the book. Thanks
forwhlz at gmail dot com
I was surprised to hear that OVER A MILLION READERS LOVE CECELIA! That is a lot of book sales.
I was surprised to find out that she created Samantha Who. I miss that show!
castings at mindspring dot com
Google follower
I didn't know she co-created 'Samantha Who?'.. That was def an interesting fact!
No, I don't think you gave to much away in your review of the book.
I follow on Twitter!!
I had no idea that Cecelia Ahern helped create the sitcom "Samantha Who?" and I also found it interesting and wonderful that she donated her royalties for the short stories she contributed to several anthologies to charity. I really appreciated finding out about this author!
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
I follow with RSS feeds.
I blogged this giveaway:
Thank you!
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
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Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
xo_MissV_xo Contest for Cecilia Ahern's Holiday Novel -- http://bookinwithbingo.blog...
less than 20 seconds ago from web
- That's me!! I tweeted about it, My page is protected though, so only my few hundred friends can see it..
Personally I don't think your review revealed to much. It sets the stage for the major part of the story and I am very intrigued now. This is more than a story about a man with means helping another man who's down on his luck!
Aimala127 AT gmail DOT com
It is amazing that she wrote PS I Love You at 21.
I am a follower on Google Friend.
In my opinion you did not give too much away.
I discovered that in October 2008, Cecelia's first play, Mrs Whippy - a one woman show - opened starring Marion O'Dwyre, and is currently touring Ireland with Mary McEvoy and Wendy Peters. She is truly a multi-talented young woman.
Thank you,
I tweeted about this giveaway http://twitter.com/ossmcalc/status/6186776965
Thank you,
I follow on Google Connect.
Thank you,
Actually I do not think that you gave too much away. I still have plenty of curiosity about what happens to make me want to read this book.
thank you,
Bingo, you didn't give too much away.
First of all, I loved the movie P.S. I Love You, and had no idea it was a book. Now I want "The Gift" and "P.S. I Love You."
I just went to the authors website and found out how young she was (21) when she wrote her first book. Inspiring!
Thanks for having so many fun contests, especially with such great book giveaways. You make this unemployed woman very happy!
The Girl from the Ghetto
I found out from the website that "her second book "Where Rainbows End reached no.1 in Ireland and the UK, remaining at the top of the Irish bestsellers list for 12 weeks and again a bestseller internationally" Cool!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I don't think you gave away too much in your review! It just made me want to read it more!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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