"They've said some crazy things about me over the years. I mean, okay: 'He bit the head off a bat.' Yes. 'He bit the head off a dove.' Yes. But then you hear things like, 'Ozzy went to the show last night, but he wouldn't perform until he'd killed fifteen puppies . . .' Now me, kill fifteen puppies? I love puppies. I've got eighteen of the f***ing things at home. I've killed a few cows in my time, mind you. And the chickens. I shot the chickens in my house that night.
It haunts me, all this crazy stuff. Every day of my life has been an event. I took lethal combinations of booze and drugs for thirty f***ing years. I survived a direct hit by a plane, suicidal overdoses, STDs. I've been accused of attempted murder. Then I almost died while riding over a bump on a quad bike at f***ing two miles per hour.
People ask me how come I'm still alive, and I don't know what to say. When I was growing up, if you'd have put me up against a wall with the other kids from my street and asked me which one of us was gonna make it to the age of sixty, which one of us would end up with five kids and four grandkids and houses in Buckinghamshire and Beverly Hills, I wouldn't have put money on me, no f***ing way. But here I am: ready to tell my story, in my own words, for the first time.
A lot of it ain't gonna be pretty. I've done some bad things in my time. I've always been drawn to the dark side, me. But I ain't the devil. I'm just John Osbourne: a working-class kid from Aston, who quit his job in the factory and went looking for a good time."

Let me assure you that you don't have to ever have listened to Black Sabbath or watched "The Osbournes" on television to read and enjoy this memoir about Ozzy Osbourne. It is as you would suspect from the man, a tough and honest telling of how the Prince of Darkness was a boy who came from a working class family, is dyslexic and doesn't read well, to be a rock star millionaire who has had a grand time getting there! And along the way, there is the hard to believe love story between Ozzy and Sharon and a family that he adores!
One of the best things about this book and probably why I couldn't put it down is that Ozzy's story is told with the authenticity and hilarity we would expect from the man who long ago gave up any chance at dignity. He lives up to his "what-me-worry" lifestyle of surviving no matter what life throws at him and doesn't hide it. Perhaps that is why he is so endearing to people who as I said, never heard his music or watched his show until lately. However, they did more recently see the loving husband standing by his wife steadfastly when she battled cancer, and the father's pride in watching his little punk girl Kelly turn into a lady on "Dancing with the Stars" as she became America's sweetheart for those weeks she was on the show.
You will of course read about the real stories behind all the things you may have heard about over the years about bats, doves, and chickens. But you will also read about Ozzy's fears and mistakes, his triumphs and pride, and his amazing ability to still be alive even after all the drugs and alcohol he has taken in over the years. Ozzy has a great sense of humor and doesn't hold back, in case you couldn't tell from watching him, and tells it like it is even including his fall from the top of the rock world and reemergence as a new Ozzy Osbourne, television star and now author!
The book must have been tape recorded as there is no way Ozzy wrote all this but, in fact, the book is filled with his words because they bring out the unique man that he is. Ozzy takes his music seriously and the parts about the band are extremely interesting including the members he describes and managers, especially showing that there was no love lost for many including Don Arden, who by the way, was Sharon's dad.
The book is entertaining from beginning to end and a quick read. Although his sense of humor runs throughout the memoir, there are parts that are really dark, and the stories he is famous for are fun to hear about from Ozzy himself. There are so many photos and that makes the book even better as they are scattered throughout.
I MUST say that there are some readers who might find the language and some of the scenes to be offensive and will caution you of that. However, in order to be true to his story and himself, Ozzy includes and tells it like it is. Personally, I was old enough to be around during the time Black Sabbath was at its height and although it wasn't the music I was listening to, I did hear the stories and know about this crazy lead singer named Ozzy. But that Ozzy and the one I have come to know in the past few years and now especially with the book are far different in my mind and for some strange reason, he is rather endearing in many ways. You may not agree but you will have to read the book to see for yourself. I can say, for me, it was a good time and lots of laughs!


I am a huge Ozzy fan! I didn't know that Ozzy's photos were displayed at the Andaz Hotel on Sunset Strip. Why couldn't Ozzy do a book signing in my city! I love this giveaway! Thank you so much and please count me in.
chinook92 at gmail dot com
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chinook92 at gmail dot com
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chinook92 at gmail dot com
I learned that Ozzy has a blog and will be on the today show 1/25.
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I follow through Google Friends Connect.
I think this book would be a hoot! I still have several old Ozzy records.
wolferock AT earthlink.net
Ozzy is so crazy love him. He sold over 50 millions records with Black Sabbath in the 70's.
msboatgal at aol.com
Ozzy has is auctioning off a signed guitar to benefit OZZY CHI CHENG. I would love to win this. My husband has been a fan way before Ozzy was a reality TV star. I think I just dated us! OOPs!
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
+1 I follow on GFC.
lizzi0915 at aol dot com
Call me silly but I did not know he was once in Black Sabbath.
I'm a big Ozzy fan too, so I'm glad to see the book is good. No need to enter me.
I learned he has been at it 37 years!! That's 4 years longer than I've been alive!
tweet; http://twitter.com/fredalicious/status/8201176239
Love, love, love Ozzy! I learned that all 5 albums released in the 90s went multi-platinum.
I follow with Google Friend Connect
If found it interesting that Ozzy started with Black Sabbath.
I am a follower of your blog.
Interesting fact...he worked in a slaughterhouse!
I follow your blog through Google Reader. Won a book previously through your awesome contests, but never received it! Crossing fingers that I might get lucky this time...
Linking to the contest on blog on the sidebar at http://insatiablereaders.blogspot.com
Ozzy was a big part of my teen years... but I wasn't responsible for my oldest daughter's obsession... ;-) I couldn't find anything that I didn't already know about him, but Ozzy leaves Black Sabbath and goes solo in 1979.
google follower
Ozzy released his first record with Black Sabbath on 2/13/70. The self-titled record goes platinum that same year in the U.K. and U.S.
He was in the latest issue of Rolling Stone.
I didn't know that he donates a portion of the OZZfest proceeds to various charities across the country.
cytljjb @ gmail . com
I subscribed via RSS Google Reader
cytljjb @ gmail . com
From watching a video clip on the website I learned that Ozzy had a ghost writer (named Chris) write the book! I LOVE OZZY and would love to win a copy. Please enter me
lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com
I follow through google reader. I also follow on facebook!
lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com
Ozzy dining with the President Bush...I would've loved to be there for that.
josettacaudill AT gmail DOT com
Yes, I am a follower...but I just started today on the recommendation of my friend, Marilu
josettacaudill at gmail dot com
Ozzy performs at the Moscow Peace Festival in 1989. This was the first major rock concert in the Soviet Republic by Western artists.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I follow.
simplystacieblog at gmail dot com
I've been a fan of Ozzy's since the late 70s, being an old lady of 39, lol! I found out from Ozzy's website that he will be on Howard Stern tomorrow.
I follow your blog by visiting here several times a week, as well as having you on my blog roll. I've also given your blog a shout out in the past via blog award, because you deserve it!
I sent out an entry to this contest via Facebook, and sent you the link via email as proof. I don't have Twitter, so I hope that counts! Even if it doesn't, my friends will want to enter this contest! Huge fans in the ghetto.
I didn't know Ozzy had grandchildren. I never really had any interest in him until I heard how he supported his wife through her cancer (I am a survivor myself and my ex didn't support me) and I fell in love with Kelly during Dancing With the Stars like lots of other people. I thought it was sweet how he and Sharon were there for her. I hope I win this book because I'd like to learn more about Ozzy and Sharon.
Would love this as he is so interesting...I found out he will be on Howard Stern's radio show today
anjamie4 at gmail dot com
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anjamie4 at gmail dot com
Ozzy sold over 50 million records back in the 70s
wickdogg AT gmail DOT co
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wickdogg AT gmail DOT com
Ozzy performs at the Moscow Peace Festival in 1989. This was the first major rock concert in the Soviet Republic by Western artists.
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
I absolutely loved the painting on the front page. Great shot of Ozzy!
I follow on Google. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome book.
One thing I learned from his site is that he will be Guest on CNN's 'Connect the World' this Wednesday.
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
I'm follower through google friends.
kalynnick AT yahoo DOT com
was surprised to read that he had dinner w/ president bush.
I follow via google connect.
tweet; http://twitter.com/fredalicious/status/8286178274
Ozzy had 5 multi-platinum albums in the 90's. I knew he had huge success in the early 80's when Randy Rhoads was still alive, but didn't know that continued into the 90's. Thanks for the giveaway.
glenn_pessano AT yahoo DOT com
+1 He has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
+1 follower via GFC
thebookvixen at gmail dot com
I learned that he was in Black Sabbath. That is something I should have known because I am his age.
rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com
Ozzy releases his first record with Black Sabbath in 1970 (released Friday, February 13th). The self-titled record goes platinum that same year in the U.K. and U.S.
I had no idea ..I"m a Ozzy fan he ROCKS
wadesherry@hotmail dot com
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wadesherry@hotmail dot com
I learned Ozzy has his own blog and uses Twitter
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect
karryknisley76 at hotmail dot com
I tweeted http://twitter.com/Karryknisley/status/8561601805
karryknisley76 athotmail dot com
I learned that Ozzy has his own blog.
He was once a member of Black Sabbath.
I follow you--Google friend.
Wear RED Day is February 5th!
lovemykidsandbooks AT gmail DOT com
Wear RED Day is February 5th!
chinook92 at gmail dot com
Thank you for the very important post from the American Heart Association. I RED that by teaching more women to talk to their doctors about heart disease, thousands of lives can be saved. That is a huge number! By the way, I too, always thought heart disease was a man's illness. Thank you again, for this important,post.
chinook92 at gmail dot com
He performed at the Peace Festival in 1989.
I follow via GFC and I subscribe via email.
I am a huge Ozzy fan so I already knew a lot but I didn't know he had dinner with Pres. Bush.
waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com
I'm on google friend connect but also follow on my google reader.
waitmantwillie AT hotmail DOT com
I read that Ozzy will be releasing a new album called Soul Sucka! in June, great news!
Thanks Kelly and Hatchette for this wonderful giveaway!
Mytyme2 at gmail dot com
Ozzy guested on Howard Stern's show on 1/26.
seriousreader at live dot com
I follow via Google.
seriousreader at live dot com
I went to Ozzy's site. I learned that by the 80s, Ozzy had sold over 50 million cds worldwide!
wakeupangel at gmail dot com
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Tweeted here- http://twitter.com/baniclips/status/9046515440
I learned that Ozzy released his first solo record in 1980. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow through google friend. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I find it amazing that he has 18 dogs. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I think in this case I would rather have the audiobook as Ozzy is hilarious to listen to. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I follow through google friend. cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com
I learned that he had dinner with Pres. Bush and performed at a peace concert!!
mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
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mlawson17 at hotmail dot com
Ozzy recieves a star at Hollywood walk of fame april 12 2002.I have been wanting to read this! Thanks! jacquecurl1(at)gmail(dot)com
I am a follower through google friend connect. jacquecurl1(at)gmail(dot)com
Ozzy's music was a big part of my high school years in the 80s. I knew he had been to the White House but I had forgotten about that. Ozzy and President Bush - it must have been quite a dinner! Thanks for your giveaway!
I follow with Google Connect and have you on my blogroll.
I didn't realize that Ozzy was dyslexic. Thank you
I became an email subscriber.
I only thought he had three kids, maybe he had two before he married Sharon. I just found out about your blog from Hachette's newsletter.
I really do want to read this. I learned that "•Ozzy inducted as a member of Black Sabbath into the U.S. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in March 2006."
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
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lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
I can't help but think that, if nothing else, Ozzy's memoir can't be boring. I was more than a little amazed to see him talk about loving puppies, though. For some reason, you just don't get the mental image of him cuddling up with a cute little furry animal!
ineedabook at gmail dot com
I learned that he has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. misusedinnocence@aol.com
I follow on google friend connect.
I love ozzy Buut I did not know he was dyslexic I also wish he was signig out here too bummer
I am a follower on google connect
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