Monday, January 12, 2009

Happy Birthday, Dear Blog!

Here I am on day 3 of my blog and still haven't hurt anyone or given up my daytime job! I realize how much I have to learn and now have even more respect for the people who do this full time! Oh, my! I get to it when I have time, late at night, and early in the morning but I can see how addictive it can become. Why if I wasn't working, I would probably be on here 24/7!

However, some REALLY good things have happened. I have been contacted by some old friends and some new ones. I even heard from a soon to be named famous author who has agreed to an interview! How exciting is that? Well, I do promise that each day will get a bit better so hang in there. Tell your friends, and PLEASE leave comments and criticism (just be gentle).

If I can master what it means when it says "illegal characters" in my URL (I thought it meant the guys who hung out near a local hot spot and didn't look like they belonged there!), when I try so hard to copy and paste some of these cute buttons and things from other sites, you will hear me shout where ever you are!

So off to another evening of trying to get some reading time in, so I can still review, as well as grade papers as it is that time of the school year again!

Take care and thank you ALL for the warm welcomes! Bingo


Anonymous said...

hey there, i'm one of the bloggers for the olive reader and came over to check out your site. good job so far! my tip for blogging is to make it either the first thing you do in the morning or the first thing you do when you get back from lunch. it helps me ease into the day because it's work but also not work, you know?

Cheryl said...

Ok, you have me intrigued on the soon to be famous author that you will be interviewing. I can't wait to see who it is

Bingo said...

Thank you, worldwidewhiskers for the comment and suggestion. I can use all the help I can get! ...and from OLIVE READER-WOW! Hope you check out my Kids' book reviews posted today, Jan. 17, as some are for Harper Collins!

Bingo said...

Cheryl, I am glad that you are intrigued because that means I will have somebody watching for that interview. It will hopefully be up within 10 days if not sooner. Hint: I have reviewed this person's books! Thanks!